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Prob with 2.0 for VS2005 Team Edition for Software Devs

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2006 14:56
by chop1152
After installing pgDirect 2.40 for .Net 2.0 I get this error when I start Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Developers....
"Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component."

After clicking ok on the message box, the IDE will continue to start. If I uninstall pgDirect2.40 .Net 2.0, the error message goes away on startup.

VS2005 TESD Version: 8.0.50727.42

Posted: Fri 06 Jan 2006 15:43
by SecureGen
Please do the following steps:
- Uninstall PostgreSQLDirect .NET;
- Check that you do not have any CoreLab.PostgreSql.* assemblies in the corresponding GAC, framework folders and PostgreSQLDirect installation folder;
- Install PostgreSQLDirect .NET;
- Run VS2005;
If you still have the same error try to register CoreLab.PostgreSql.Addin.dll with following command:
RegAsm.exe /codebase CoreLab.PostgreSql.Addin.dll
and try to load VS2005 again.

VS2005 Team for Developer

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2006 09:26
by chop11511
I tried the steps you suggested and they still end up with the same result. I have tried this on a seperate machine as well.

I also tried the newest version of PostgreSql.Direct released on 2/13.

Any other suggestions