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dotConnect for SQLite 5.14 is released!

Posted: Thu 24 Oct 2019 16:20
by Devart
Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of dotConnect for SQLite 5.14, Devart ADO.NET data provider for SQLite with support for Entity Framework, LinqConnect (LINQ to SQLite) and NHibernate. The new version offers you support for Entity Framework Core 3.

Now you can use dotConnect for SQLite in projects, powered by the latest Entity Framework Core version and enjoy the improved performance, better SQL generation and other Entity Framework Core 3.0 features. Build your Entity Framework Core models from databases using Scaffold-DbContext command with our providers, type mapping code yourself, or use Entity Developer to design models visually – every approach is supported.

Besides Entity Framework Core 3 support, we have improved support for Entity Framework 6.3 on .NET Core 3. Two new properties have been added to the DbContext template, providing better configurability for Entity Framework Core code generation. The Configuration Type Name property specifies the descendant of DbConfiguration class that should be used for code-based configuration, and the Use DbConfigurationType Attribute property determines whether to register this configuration type via the DbConfigurationType attribute.

You can find more details in our blog article.

Here is the complete list of dotConnect for SQLite 5.14.1499 features:
  • The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.30.1
  • The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported by Devart DataSet Manager
Entity Developer
  • The DbContext template is improved for using Entity Framework 6.3:
    • The "Configuration Type Name" property, which specifies the descendant of DbConfiguration class that should be used for code-based configuration, is added
    • The "Use DbConfigurationType Attribute" property, which determines whether to register the configuration type specified in the ConfigurationTypeName property of the DbConfigurationType attribute, is added
    • The DbProviderFactories.RegisterFactory method is generated when UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=true and ConfigurationTypeName='%Default%'
    • With UseDbConfigurationTypeAttribute=false, the static constructor for registering factory and the new partial method OnStaticConfigured are generated
  • The "Optimize rendering for screens with different pixel densities" feature of Visual Studio 2019 is supported
  • The compatibility issue with JetBrains ReSharper is fixed
Entity Framework support
  • Entity Framework Core 3.0 is supported
  • Entity Framework 6.3 is supported
  • The lock for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore dependency is added to the NuGet package Devart.Data.SQLite.EFCore
Devart development team