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dotConnect for SQLite 5.7 is released!

Posted: Fri 09 Dec 2016 11:50
by Devart
Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of dotConnect for SQLite 5.7, Devart ADO.NET data provider for SQLite with support for Entity Framework, LinqConnect (LINQ to SQLite) and NHibernate. The new version offers you support for Database-First approach in Entity Framework Core via Package Manager Console.

Entity Framework Core Database-First Support

Entity Framework Core supports the Database-First approach via the Scaffold-DbContext command of Package Manager Console. This command scaffolds a DbContext and entity type classes for a specified database.

Now dotConnect for SQLite with Entity Framework Core support also supports this command allowing you to quickly generate context and entity classes for an existing schema. In order for the database-first functionality to work, add the Devart.Data.SQLite.Entity.EFCore.Design.dll assembly to the project references in addition to other necessary provider assemblies.

Other Improvements

Additionally, dotConnect for SQLite can now be installed without adding its assemblies to the GAC automatically. We also have added Batch Updates support in Entity Framework Core, which will improve dotConnect for SQLite performance.

Here is the complete list of dotConnect for SQLite 5.7.794 features:
  • The 'Do not install assemblies in the GAC' check box that allows disabling placing the provider assemblies to the GAC is added to the Install Wizard
  • The sqlite3.dll library that is included into the installation package is updated to version 3.15.2
  • The bug with generating an error when using SQLiteMonitor on Linux is fixed
  • The bug with not using parameters value in ParentRelation data in SQLiteDataTable.SelectCommand is fixed
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to SQLite)
  • The exception message for invoking CreateDatabase() for the model which includes an association with missing end is improved
  • The bug with throwing System.InvalidCastException when inserting / updating the System.Object properties is fixed
Entity Developer
  • The possibility to choose whether to add new entities to a diagram or not in Update From Database Wizard is implemented
  • The behaviour is changed: now the DbContext template generates an additional partial class for the context class when "File Per Class" and "Generate Partial Class" are set to True (Entity Framework models)
Entity Framework support
  • Entity Framework Core 1.1.0 is supported
  • The Scaffold-DbContext NuGet command of Package Manager Console for generating a model basing on the existing database schema is supported in EF Core
  • The new config.DatabaseScript.Column.StringColumnCustomCollationName option is implemented for setting user-defined function for comparing string columns
  • The bug with comparison in LINQ query when config.QueryOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior=true is fixed
  • The bugs with logical expressions in EF Core are fixed
Devart development team