Performance Problems

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding ADO.NET provider for SQLite
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Performance Problems

Post by jgreen » Fri 03 Feb 2012 17:12

Hi All,

We're using linqConnect in a project and I've just got to the point where we are loading data into the database from the application.

I've written a pipeline to co-ordinate the insertion of the data when a user creates a project.

The problem is that I'm seeing roughly 100 records inserted into the database every 1.5 seconds which to my mind is pretty slow.

The records have Guids for Id and are only 40 columns in the table. There are two EntitySets associated with the objects that are being inserted into the database so not an excessive number of relationships, all of these associated entities are also tiny objects.

I've been looking at the Context.Log output to see if there are any obvious nasties in there and it all looks pretty tidy. What are the best things to try in order to speed it up?

I've been profiling the app with Ants Profiler and during the import process there is roughly 85% of the time executing the line Context.SubmitChanges()

I've used LinqToSql in other applications with equally simple data and more complex data and seen record submitted in the region of thousands per second not 100s ...

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Post by StanislavK » Wed 08 Feb 2012 18:08

Sorry for the delay. Could you please describe how exactly you are inserting these rows? For example, please specify the following:
- whether you call the SubmitChanges method once or multiple times;
- whether you are using batch inserts (and if yes, what is the max batch size?);
- an approximate connection string you are using.
If possible, please specify the definitions of the tables you are working with and/or send us a small test project, so that we are able to analyze the situation in more details.

For some general tips on improving the LinqConnect performance, please refer to the corresponding article in our documentation:

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