LIKE clause in SELECT statement and Devart

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LIKE clause in SELECT statement and Devart

Post by draganb » Sat 13 Dec 2008 18:29

He everybody,

I have I problem for which I was unable to find any answer no matter how persistently I tried searching.

The problem is in using SQLLite SELECT staement with LIKE clause and a search string being 'Č%' or 'È%' or anything out of first 127 ANSI. I saw many other people posting the same question on forums including SQLite user lists. I even posted on the list but it didn't show up in daily digest, guess that it is moderated or something (as just a side note which has nothing to do with Devart, from my point of view SQLite documentation is definitely one the poorest attempts to write documentation I ever saw in my life). The to the problem anwers go like 'you should use the sqlite3_create_function' without giving any explanation for it anywhere or 'ICU is powerfull stuff, you should use it' and no explanation either.

It seams to me that the people who designed the SQLite were unaware of the rest of the world except these using oringinal 127 ANSI signs in their language.

So the question is: what do I need to do to have the abovementioned SELECT statement type executed with Devart from Visual Studio.NET application and not have 0 rows returned in result? Some special layout of the SQLite db, table field or specific form of SELECT statement.

Thank you in advance.

Dragan B.

Devart Team
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Post by AndreyR » Wed 17 Dec 2008 13:07

We have fixed this issue, look forward to the next build.

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