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DataSet.Load and DataTable.Load - very slow

Posted: Thu 30 Oct 2008 14:35
by KoD666
Lately I've made some performance tests of dotConnect provider. I've noticed during tests of SELECT command that DataSet.Load and DataTable.Load methods are much slower compared to other methods of reading data (using DbDataReader or with DbDataAdapter.Fill method). I've got following times:

Data read with DbDataReader object:
- Time: 2671.875ms
Data read with DataSet.Load method:
- Time: 11546.875ms
Data read with DataTable.Load method:
- Time: 11437.5ms
Data read using DbDataAdapter.Fill method:
- Time: 3125ms

In each test 90564 rows were read from database (from two tables) and stored into data set (into two data tables). In DbDataReader's test, data tables were created and filled row-by-row with DataTable.LoadDataRow method.

Clearly Load methods are almost 5 times slower. Is there any explanation for this. At the beginning I thought that this slow down is caused by constraints checking but disabling it (setting EnforceConstraints property of DataSet object to false) didn't change anything.

I've tested SQL Server ADO.NET provider and it behaved normally (all times were about 2s).

I've run some tests using other SQLite ADO.NET provider (CoreLab.SQLite) and it was also very slow when data was read with Load methods.

Any idea why Load methods are so slow? Is there any way to speed them up?

Posted: Fri 31 Oct 2008 13:44
by Shalex
These results of performance are expectable.

The DbDataReader object just reads data from database objects.

The DbDataAdapter.Fill method reads data and caches them in the DataSet object.

The DataTable.Load method fills a DataTable with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader and creates constraints.

The DataSet.Load method fills a DataSet with values from a data source using the supplied IDataReader, using an array of DataTable instances to supply the schema and namespace information. It creates constraints and tables for represeting data.

In other words, the Load methods require more time, because they make more operations with data.