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Strange UniTable.Post Error - what am I doing wrong?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2022 06:35
by Moehre
Hi, I am using UniDac 8.4.3 / Delphi XE Seattle. In my programm I want to copy data from one database to the other using TUniTable component. F.e. I have a table "LG_STAMM" with an Index on 2 Fields "MDNR" and "LGNR".

UniTable1.TalbeName := 'LG_STAMM';
UniTable1.FilterSQL := 'MDNR = 93 AND LGNR = 100101";
UniTable1.Filtered := true;

this works without any problems and selects 1 row as expected.

Now I edit the Fields to match the source database and try to post it

There I get a strange error messsage "Field MDNR,LGNR not found"

Even if I skip the Field edit (so I make an "UniTable1.Edit" and then the "UniTable1.Post" get the same error?!

Perhaps I am doing something wrong here but I have no idea what's wrong?

Thx for your assistance

Re: Strange UniTable.Post Error - what am I doing wrong?

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2022 14:49
by Moehre
INFO: I ported the app to Delphi 7 using ODAC - with NO problems!?