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v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Fri 26 Jul 2019 18:59
by FredS

Code: Select all

CREATE DATABASE 'C:\ProgramData\mydb\PA.fdb'
default character set UTF8 collation UNICODE_CI_AI ;
Same code works when I compile with v7.4 but generates this with the others:

Code: Select all

Debugger Exception Notification
Project App.exe raised exception class EIBCError with message 'I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "C:\PROGRAMDATA\MYDB\PA.FDB"
Error while trying to open file
The system cannot find the file specified. '.
Break   Continue   Help   

Re: v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2019 09:30
by Stellar
Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce the issue. We've succesfully create a database with your script and UniDAC 8.0.1. Please try to create a database using the following code:

Code: Select all

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  UniConnection1.Server := 'localhost';
  UniConnection1.Username := 'sysdba';
  UniConnection1.Password := 'masterkey';
  UniConnection1.LoginPrompt := False;

  UniScript1.Connection := UniConnection1;
  UniScript1.NoPreconnect := True;
  UniScript1.SQL.Text := ' CREATE DATABASE ''C:\ProgramData\mydb\PA.fdb'' ' +
                         ' USER ''SYSDBA'' ' +
                         ' PASSWORD ''masterkey'' ' +
                         ' PAGE_SIZE 16384 ' +
                         ' default character set UTF8 ' +
                         ' collation UNICODE_CI_AI;';
Please inform us about the results.

Re: v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Fri 02 Aug 2019 14:47
by FredS

Code: Select all

  TFirebirdFixture = class(TObject)
    FCon: TUniConnection;
    FUniScript: TUniScript;
    FDbFiles : TArray<string>;
    const CRLF = #13#10;
    procedure SetupFixture;
    procedure TearDownFixture;
    /// <summary>
    ///   Third time since 2014 that db creation failed, someone is NOT testing.
    /// </summary>
    [TestCase('Embedded (No Pooling)',   ',.\NoPooling.fdb,SYSDBA,masterkey,False')]
    [TestCase('Embedded (With Pooling)', ',.\WithPooling.fdb,SYSDBA,masterkey,True')]
    procedure TestDbCreation(const AServer, AFileName, AUser, APwd: string; const AWithPooling: Boolean);


procedure TFirebirdFixture.SetupFixture;
  FCon := TUniConnection.Create(nil);
  FCon.ProviderName      := InterBaseUniProvider.TInterBaseUniProvider.GetProviderName;
  FCon.PoolingOptions.MinPoolSize := 4;
  FCon.PoolingOptions.MaxPoolSize := 100;
  FUniScript             := TUniScript.Create(FCon);
  FUniScript.Connection  := FCon;
  FUniScript.Transaction := FCon.DefaultTransaction;

procedure TFirebirdFixture.TearDownFixture;
var LFileName : string;
  for LFileName in FDbFiles do DeleteFile(LFileName);

procedure TFirebirdFixture.TestDbCreation(const AServer, AFileName, AUser, APwd: string; const AWithPooling: Boolean);
const script = 'CREATE DATABASE :Filename' + CRLF +
               'USER :User PASSWORD :Pwd' + CRLF +
               'PAGE_SIZE 16384' + CRLF +
               'default character set UTF8 collation UNICODE_CI_AI ;';
var LFileName : string;
  if AServer.IsEmpty then begin
      LFileName := ExpandFileName(AFileName);
  end else LFileName := AFileName;
  // Will ignore non rooted files
  if FileExists(LFileName) then Assert.IsTrue(DeleteFile(LFileName), 'Unable to create the DB, it already exists and cannot be deleted.');

  FCon.Server   := AServer;
  FCon.Pooling  := AWithPooling;
  FUniScript.NoPreconnect := True; // executes DDL without connecting to an existing db
  FUniScript.SQL.Text := script;
  FUniScript.SQL.ReplaceParams([LFileName, AUser, APwd]); << You'll need to replace this
  Assert.WillNotRaiseAny(procedure begin FUniScript.Execute; end);
  FDbFiles := FDbFiles + [LFileName];


Re: v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Thu 08 Aug 2019 08:29
by Stellar
Thank you for the information. The issue is caused by connection pooling when creating a database. We'll consider adding the capability to create a database when connection pooling is used in future versions of UniDAC. At the moment, you can create a database without using pooling.

Re: v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Thu 08 Aug 2019 15:46
by FredS
We'll consider adding
Of course that breaks existing UNI code since at least two other Providers can, and for a long time have. created dbs with Pooling On..

Another Pooling issue

Posted: Mon 12 Aug 2019 18:17
by FredS
Gbak can't restore the DB after closing the connection if Pooling was on during the connection.

'Restart Manager' tells me the db is still locked by my app.

Re: v7.5 + v8.0.1 Break Existing db Creation code

Posted: Thu 15 Aug 2019 13:00
by ViktorV
FredS wrote: Thu 08 Aug 2019 15:46
We'll consider adding
Of course that breaks existing UNI code since at least two other Providers can, and for a long time have. created dbs with Pooling On..
Thank you for the information. We have already fixed the issue.
This fix will be included into the next UniDAC.
We have answered you via e-mail.