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Urgent: Another Error with UniDAC and Oracle 8

Posted: Tue 16 Nov 2010 14:10
by invent

today I installed UniDAC, because I want to fix the error in the post Okay, this error is away, but there is still no way to use UniDAC with Oracle 8.0.5. Please try this code:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var MyUniTable : TUniTable;
MyUniTable := TUniTable.Create (self);
MyUniTable.Connection := UniConnection1;
MyUniTable.TableName := 'CUSTOMERS';

UniConnection1 is connected successful, but MyUniTable.Open failed with message

"ORA-00904: invalid column name".

You can also try: UniDac\Demos\UniDacDemo\UniDacDemo.dpr. Here comes the same error.

I tried this with Delphi 7, Oracle 8.0.5 and UniDac Prof

I'm not amused. Until version 3.0 UniDAC works fine. I was very pleased with UniDAC in the last two years. But now I think that the basic functions of UniDAC are untested in version 3.5. And I have not the time to be a beta-tester for DevArt!

For your information: In my projects I have about 1.500 TUniTables. I cannot set KeyFields or OrderFields manually. UniDAC 3.5 must work like 3.0!

What can I do? Another downgrade to 3.0?

Thanks in advance for any information.

Kind regards,
Gerd Brinkmann
invent GmbH

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010 08:01
by AlexP

We have reproduced the problem.
It will be fixed in the next build.

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010 08:15
by invent

it's not possible to wait until the next build. So I have do deinstall UniDAC 3.5, deinstall all my components, reinstall UniDac 3.0, recompile all components and all projects.

Very bad support. Thanks.

Gerd Brinkmann
invent GmbH

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010 14:14
by bork

I sent you a fixed OraClassesUni.dcu file by the E-mail. Try to replace your OraClassesUni.dcu in the "C:\Program Files\Devart\UniDac for Delphi 7\Lib\" folder with this new one. It is should resolve the issue with opening tables for Oracel 8.0.5. Sorry for the inconvenience, we will test compatibility with Oracle 8.0.5 more attentively.