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Primary key field trouble

Posted: Sun 14 Nov 2010 20:49
by Andrey
I am using UniDac on Delphi 2010 with Oracle 10.
I have some troubles with primary key fields: when i am trying to create dataset fields objects from TUniQuery popup menu (Fields - Add All Fields) - there is no primary key field in created fields list.
When I connect a datagrid to this query (without field objects creation) there is still no primary key column, but its value is displayed instead of value of the second field from my SQL query.

Posted: Mon 15 Nov 2010 07:42
by AlexP

I can not reproduce the problem.
Please send me a script to create the tables that are used in the query and the text of your query.

Posted: Wed 17 Nov 2010 17:10
by Andrey
Sorry, had no time to reply.

I returned today to the bug and was going to check everything again, but it is gone and everything works fine now. I am not sure what caused such behavior, but thanks anyway for your assistance.

Posted: Fri 19 Nov 2010 08:11
by AlexP

It is good to see that this problem was solved. If any other questions come up, please contact us.