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scftpclient component demo

Posted: Mon 21 Feb 2022 10:57
by janoges
Hello good morning I am new working with Securebridge components, I have been looking at the examples, but I see that for the use of scFTPClient Component does not come, only for the scSFTPClient, but I'm trying to create an automatic process that connects to FTP servers via port 21 and of course the example of scSFTPClient does not work for me.

I don't know if someone could help me or provide me with an example of how to use the scFTPclient component.

I have tried to contact the Support link from the Devart web page where you download the purchased components but that page or contact form gives 404 error and is not available.

Thank you very much for your help.

Re: scftpclient component demo

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2022 15:25
by YanishevskiyVI
Hi there!

Thank you for choosing our components!

Please note that SFTP and FTP(S) are different and incompatible protocols, implemented in different components:
- FTP(S): TScFTPClient

Typical usage scenario for TScFTPClient:

Code: Select all

  ScFTPClient: TScFTPClient; // 
with ScFTPClient do begin 
  Username := 'Username'; 
  Password := 'Password'; 
  HostName := 'Hostname'; 
  UsePassive := true;//if required 
  EncryptDataChannel := true;//if required 
  if ( Active ) then begin 
    //perform required actions: 
    // Upload(...); 
    // Dowload(...); 

Feel free to ask in case of any further questions!

Re: scftpclient component demo

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2022 18:46
by janoges
Hello thank you very much for your reply and partial code.
Yes indeed I know that they are different components, that's why I was asking for a demo project for a FTP client, similar to the one in the examples of the components with the scSFTPClient Client.
The idea is to see all the functionality of such components, as I have already seen with the demonstration project of the scSFTPClient component, so if it was not too much to ask I would like if you could send me a similar demonstration project but for the use of the scFTPClient component.

The truth is that I am quite new in this subject and it would be of a great help to me.

Thank you very much for your understanding and help.


Jaime Galindo

Re: scftpclient component demo

Posted: Tue 22 Mar 2022 16:09
by Raudar
Hi there,

Unfortunately, we do not have such a demo project but we are planning to add it in future, however we do not have any ETA yet.

You may also use TScFTPClient component using the instructions from the documentation:

Best Regards,

Devart Support