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atPassword for the Authentication

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2021 01:14
by MRoth

In the SSLClient we are using atPassword for the Authentication. Do we need to add TScFileStorage for password authentication.

Thank you.

Re: atPassword for the Authentication

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2021 06:57
by YanishevskiyVI
Please be informed, that TScFileStorage (alternatively TScRegStorage or TScMemoryStorage) is necessary for storing server keys, used while connection establishing even if username/password authentication used.

Re: atPassword for the Authentication

Posted: Fri 01 Oct 2021 16:37
by MRoth
Hello Vitaliy,

Thank you for the reply. What if we have multiple SSHClient connections open at the same time. How would that effect the storage of the keys. In other words, how does the storage work. We would always use the path our exe is running from for all open connections.

Re: atPassword for the Authentication

Posted: Wed 06 Oct 2021 14:41
by YanishevskiyVI
Hi Maria,

Thanks for a question

When creating a connection between an SSH client and an SSH server, often asymmetric encryption algorithms and keys are used for authentication. One of sides generates a pair of keys - private key and public key. The private key is used for signing data. Public key is used for signature verification. It should be passed to another side. Key, sended from a server is stored at TScStorage with a name, given in TScSSHClient.HostKeyName property. If this property is empty, key will get name of TScSSHClient.HostName.

TScStorage is a thread safe, so can be used with multiple instance of TScSSHClient components.
