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how to POST parameters

Posted: Tue 28 Jul 2020 14:00
by Yann
Hi, where can I find an example of how to use TScHttpWebRequest.RequestStream to transmit parameters ?
I'm using Delphi 7.

Re: how to POST parameters

Posted: Fri 31 Jul 2020 15:22
by ViktorV
The RequestSteam property gets or sets a stream that is used to write the request data. This property can be only set if SendChunked is set to True and Method is not rmGET or rmHEAD. ... stream.htm
If you mean something else, please clarify.

Re: how to POST parameters

Posted: Thu 12 Nov 2020 16:59
by docH
Four months and still no answer to the OP's question
where can I find an example of how to use TScHttpWebRequest.RequestStream
I have read the documentation and find it lacking, particularly in real life examples of use.
I'm also trying to find out how to POST parameters (as content type application/json).

Simply quoting the documentation in response to a question about it isn't very helpful

Re: how to POST parameters

Posted: Thu 19 Nov 2020 15:41
by ViktorV
You can use code like this to show the use of this property:

Code: Select all

  Request: TScHttpWebRequest;
  Response: TScHttpWebResponse;
  ResponseStr: string;
  Stream: TFileStream;
  Request := TScHttpWebRequest.Create(URL);
  Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead);
    Request.Method := rmPut;

    Request.ContentType := 'application/pdf';
    Request.TransferEncoding := 'binary';
    Request.Headers.Add('Content-Disposition', 'form-data; name="FormFile"; filename="Document1.pdf"');

    Request.ContentLength := Stream.Size;
    Request.SendChunked := True;
    Request.RequestStream := Stream;

    Response := Request.GetResponse;
    ResponseStr := Response.ReadAsString;