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Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Sat 12 Jan 2019 18:13
by tcaduto12068
I have been running a SFTP server built with SB for a few years now on windows and recently decided to port it to linux.
I have it compiling and running but the issue I am running into is with the absolute path and getting the directory listing.
The default event for getting the absolute path is returning a ./ and this is causing the getfullpath function to fail and then the findfirst function in the getdir list event fails.
Do you guys have any tips or examples on how to get this to work? I tried removing the . and then I can get a directory listing but it's for the real root and not the users home dir.

running the latest SB version from December and Lazarus 1.8 (latest stable version) on Manjaro Linux.


Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2019 19:46
by tcaduto12068
I think I figured this out and it's because on Linux the GetCanonicalPath function does nothing.
What it's supposed to do (and what it does on windows) is get a valid path that does not have the . or .. shortcuts in them.
When compiled on linux all it does is convert \ to /

So to get this working on linux under Free Pascal/Lazarus you need to do this.

result:= ExpandFileName(result)

This does the same thing as the windows only function PathCanonicalize

So a else would have to be added to the

result:= ExpandFileName(result)

The default ongetfullpath and ONGetAbsolutePath function also needs to be modified to work under Linux.
On linux the expandfilename for a . brings back the current working directory not / so if the path is . it needs to be converted to the pathdelim i.e. '/'

Code: Select all

procedure TSFTPDataMod.SFTPServerGetFullPath(Sender: TObject;
  SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; var Path: string);
Path := TScSFTPServer(sender).GetCanonicalPath(SFTPSessionInfo, Path);

  if Path = PathDelim then
    Path := SFTPSessionInfo.HomePath
  if (Length(Path) > 0) and (Path[1] = PathDelim) then
    Path := SFTPSessionInfo.HomePath + Path
    Path := IncludeTrailingBackslash(SFTPSessionInfo.HomePath) + Path;

if Path = '' then
  raise EScError.Create(sePathNotAllowed);

if Path <> PathDelim then
  Path := ExcludeTrailingBackslash(Path);


Code: Select all

procedure TSFTPDataMod.SFTPServerGetAbsolutePath(Sender: TObject;
 SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; const Path: string;
 const Control: TScSFTPRealpathControl; ComposePath: TStringList;
 var AbsolutePath: string; var Error: TScSFTPError);
  FullPath: string;
  i: integer;
     if _path = '.' then
        _path:= '/';
     if sender = nil then
     if assigned(SFTPSessionInfo.Client.Data) then
  AbsolutePath := IncludeTrailingBackslash( TScSFTPServer(sender).GetCanonicalPath(SFTPSessionInfo, _path));
  for i := 0 to ComposePath.Count - 1 do
    AbsolutePath := IncludeTrailingBackslash(AbsolutePath) + ComposePath[i];
  if (not allowcwd) and (AbsolutePath <> '/') then
           InitError(Error, erPermissionDenied);
  FullPath :=  TScSFTPServer(sender).GetFullPath(SFTPSessionInfo, AbsolutePath);
  if (Control <> rcStatAlways) or FileExists(FullPath) or DirectoryExists(FullPath) then
    InitError(Error, erOk)
    InitError(Error, erNoSuchFile);

  for i := 1 to Length(AbsolutePath) do
    if (AbsolutePath[i] = '\')  then
      AbsolutePath[i] := '/';

          on e:exception do
          InitError(Error, erPermissionDenied);


Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2019 20:03
by tcaduto12068
Would you guys at Devart be able to take a look at this and get it working under Linux for the next release of SB?
As of right now it's pretty much broken under Linux.

It took me quite awhile to get the functions working.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2019 21:48
by tcaduto12068
Might also be nice if you guys could add a OnGetCanoniclePath even like you have for the OnGetAbsolutePath
then we could use the expandfilename function without having to mess with the source or create a custom class derived from the sftpserver class.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2019 10:20
by ViktorV
Thank you for the interest to our product and your contribution in our product development. We will consider the possibility of fixed this behavior in the next release of SecureBridge.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019 01:19
by tcaduto12068
one other issue on Linux I have run into is:
I wanted to implement my own ServerGetFullPath and there is a OnServerGetFullPath, but the problem is it's not implemented with a default event like the others, I had to chance in the source code a bit to fully implement my own:

in function TScSFTPServer.GetFullPath(SFTPSessionInfo: TScSFTPSessionInfo; const Path: string): string;

there is this:

Code: Select all

  if Assigned(OnGetFullPath) then
      OnGetFullPath(Self, SFTPSessionInfo, result);
I changed it to:

Code: Select all

  if Assigned(OnGetFullPath) then
         OnGetFullPath(Self, SFTPSessionInfo, result);
This was the only way I could implement my own function and use my custom GetCanonicalPath so it all works the same on windows or Linux with FPC/Lazarus.

Hopefully you guys understand what I was trying to do here, basically it just didn't work the same on Linux because of the GetCanonicalPath function.

So in addition to what I said in other posts it would be super nice if OnGetFullPath was implemented like the others as a default event so it could be completely replaced and tweaked.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019 01:58
by tcaduto12068
Just a fyi, here is the cross platform function I came up with, I am sure it sucks compared to what you guys could do, but here is is anyways:

Code: Select all

function _pathcanonicalize(path: string): string;
     Result := Path;
     if result = '.' then
       for i := 1 to Length(Result) do
           if Result[i] = {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}'/'{$ELSE}'\'{$ENDIF} then
       Result[i] := PathDelim;
       drive := ExtractFileDrive(result); // e.g: "C:"
       result:= IncludeTrailingBackslash(result);

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2019 11:46
by ViktorV
Thank you for the feedback. Each client's opinion is very important for us. We hope that our product will be useful for you in the implementation of your projects.
If you have any questions during using our products, please don't hesitate to contact us - and we will try to help you solve them.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2019 12:00
by ViktorV
We fixed this issue.
The new SecureBridge build has been released today. It is already available for download on our official website.
Please try to use this build build of SecureBridge and inform us about the results.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 05 Apr 2019 13:45
by tcaduto12068
Thanks, didn't see this until today, downloading now. Maybe it will help with the other issue I am having(not related in other thread)

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 05 Apr 2019 15:27
by ViktorV
Thank you for the interest to our product.
If you have any questions during using our products, please don't hesitate to contact us - and we will try to help you solve them.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Thu 11 Apr 2019 20:56
by tcaduto12068
Just a FYI, the fix for the paths doesn't work on windows now.

I get this in filezilla:

Command: pwd
Response: Current directory is: "."
Error: Failed to parse returned path.
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

This is using the default event for OnGetAbsolutepath

I looked in the code and you guys have if "" then "." and I think it should be "/"

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2019 08:58
by ViktorV
Thank you for the information.
We have already fixed this issue. This fix will be included in the next SecureBridge build.
Please send your your license number to us using the contact form and we will send you night build.

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2019 16:36
by tcaduto12068
Awesome thanks for the info :-)

Re: Problems with SFTP server running on Linux (paths)

Posted: Fri 12 Apr 2019 16:43
by tcaduto12068
License info sent.