TidHTTP.Post - Replacement with SecureBridge

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TidHTTP.Post - Replacement with SecureBridge

Post by mmkw » Thu 19 Jul 2018 11:05


I need to replace

TidHTTP.Post(AURL: string; const ASource: TStream; const AResponseContent: TStream);

with SecureBridge. ASource contains the data to be posted, AResponseContent contains the returned data. We need this often to communicate with webservices.

How can this be done? Can you give an example?

Thank you in advance


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Re: TidHTTP.Post - Replacement with SecureBridge

Post by ViktorV » Thu 19 Jul 2018 11:25

To work with the data via the HTTP (HTTPS) protocol, you can use the TScHttpWebRequest component: https://devart.com/sbridge/docs/index.h ... equest.htm You can specify settings for secure connection in the TScHttpWebRequest.SSLOptions property.
You can find the samples of using the TScHttpWebRequest component at our forum: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=36270

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Re: TidHTTP.Post - Replacement with SecureBridge

Post by mmkw » Thu 19 Jul 2018 14:10


I came so far:

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TgboHTTP = class
    FHTTP: TScHttpWebRequest;
    constructor Create;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    procedure Post(const AURI: string; const AStream, AResultStream: TStream);
procedure TgboHTTP.Post(const AURI: string; const AStream, AResultStream: TStream);
   AResponse: TScHttpWebResponse;
   ABuf: TBytes;
     SetLength(ABuf, 0);
     AStream.Position:= 0;
     AStream.ReadBuffer(ABuf, AStream.Size);

     FHTTP.Method := rmPost;
     FHTTP.RequestUri:= AURI;
     FHTTP.ContentType := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
     FHTTP.ContentLength := Length(ABuf);

     SetLength(ABuf, 0);
     AResponse:= FHTTP.GetResponse;
        AResultStream.Size:= 0;
        AResultStream.Position:= 0;
        AResultStream.WriteBuffer(ABuf, Length(ABuf));
But this does not work, because AResponse.ReadBuffer does not accept a TBytes parameter.

I want to read all the data, the remote side sends. So if you cannot give an example, the following questions occur:

1. Can I rely on the value in AResponse.ContentLength or is it a matter of the remote side, if they give the right value in it?
2. If not, do I have to read chunks unless less bytes are read than assumed?
3. How is it implemented in AResponse.ReadAsString? As I cannot see the code, I have no clue.
3. In the docs, ReadBuffer is declared as

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function ReadBuffer(const Buffer: TValueArr; Offset, Count: integer): integer;
Delphi says, it is

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 function ReadBuffer(Buffer: PAnsiChar; Offset: Integer; Count: Integer): Integer; 
So is TValueArr = PAnsiChar ?

Your help is appreciated.
best regards

Devart Team
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Re: TidHTTP.Post - Replacement with SecureBridge

Post by ViktorV » Fri 20 Jul 2018 08:19

Implemention of the ReadAsString method:

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function TScHttpWebResponse.ReadAsString: string;
  Offset, Count: integer;
  Offset := 0;

    if Length(FTmpBuf) - Offset < 1024 then
      SetLength(FTmpBuf, Length(FTmpBuf) + BUF_SIZE);

    Count := InternalRead(TValueArr(FTmpBuf), Offset, Length(FTmpBuf) - Offset);
    Inc(Offset, Count);
  until Count <= 0;

  Result := Encoding.UTF8.GetString(FTmpBuf, 0, Offset);
You can use this code to implement data fetching using the ReadBuffer method.
Yes, you are right TValueArr = PAnsiChar.
TScHttpWebResponse.ContentLength returns the content length returned by the query.

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