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runtime error 216

Posted: Fri 21 Nov 2014 13:43
by tstoicescu2

When I use dbExpress driver for InterBase & Firebird verion 4.5.8 and delphi 7, and I close my application, apear runtime error 216.
If I using 4.4.6 version all is ok.


Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Mon 24 Nov 2014 09:59
by ViktorV
Unfortunately, we could not reproduce the issue.
Please check whether the problem is reproduced on our Query demo project. You can find the demo project in the %DBXInterBaseDemos%\Win32\Query directory. where %DBXInterBaseDemos% is the dbExpress driver for InterBase & Firebird Demo projects installation path on your computer.
If the error is not reproduced on our Demo project, please send us a small sample to demonstrate the issue, including a script to create and fill in test database tables.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2014 10:03
by tstoicescu2
This problem is reproduced even on your Query demo project.
Is not need accesing any data. Just connection to database and close the application.
I using connection string localhost:employee.fdb

I using Delphi 7,
dbexpida.dll, 10.31.2014 13:01

In Delphi debuger apear:
Exception: too many consecutive exceptions: 'acces violation at 0x04ff368e read of address 0x05972ccc'.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Thu 27 Nov 2014 12:45
by ViktorV
Thank you for the information.
We have reproduced the problem and investigation is in progress.
We will inform you when we have any results.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Tue 23 Dec 2014 07:46
by ViktorV
Thank you for the information. We have reproduced and fixed the issue. The fix will be included in the next dbExpress Driver for InterBase and Firebird build.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Thu 15 Jan 2015 15:01
by drcrck1
we have a similar problem with last version of dbexpida40.dll and delphi xe7;
on some windows server 2008 , if exe and all dll files are on shared network path, sometimes it cause runtime error and program doesnt start.

with eurekalog we trace a stack, I attach here, if can be useful for you:

Code: Select all


  2.2 Address: 0088B6E9
  2.5 Type   : TDBXError
  2.6 Message: External exception C0000006.
  2.7 ID     : F2150000
  2.11 Sent  : 0

  3.2 Name : Commerciale 1
  3.3 Email: 

Steps to reproduce:
  8.1 Text: 

Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack   |Address |Module      |Offset  |Unit            |Class                 |Procedure/Method   |Line     |
|*Exception Thread: ID=4116; Parent=0; Priority=0                                                                              |
|Class=; Name=MAIN                                                                                                             |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=                                                                                                       |
|Comment=                                                                                                                      |
|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|0088B6E9|delfino.exe |0048B6E9|Data.DBXCommon  |TDBXContext           |Error              |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FC90|00C73F3A|delfino.exe |00873F3A|Data.DBXDynalink|TDBXMethodTable       |RaiseError         |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FCDC|00C74593|delfino.exe |00874593|Data.DBXDynalink|TDBXDynalinkConnection|CheckResult        |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FCE8|00C74786|delfino.exe |00874786|Data.DBXDynalink|TDBXDynalinkConnection|DerivedOpen        |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FD10|0088710B|delfino.exe |0048710B|Data.DBXCommon  |TDBXConnection        |Open               |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FD6C|00882265|delfino.exe |00482265|Data.DBXCommon  |TDBXConnectionFactory |GetConnection      |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FD70|00C155AD|delfino.exe |008155AD|Data.SqlExpr    |TSQLConnection        |DoConnect          |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FDF8|008094B9|delfino.exe |004094B9|Data.DB         |TCustomConnection     |SetConnected       |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE04|00809474|delfino.exe |00409474|Data.DB         |TCustomConnection     |Open               |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE08|00C14C4B|delfino.exe |00814C4B|Data.SqlExpr    |TSQLConnection        |CheckConnection    |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE14|00C19037|delfino.exe |00819037|Data.SqlExpr    |TCustomSQLDataSet     |CheckConnection    |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE2C|00C19464|delfino.exe |00819464|Data.SqlExpr    |TCustomSQLDataSet     |OpenCursor         |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE48|0081DDA5|delfino.exe |0041DDA5|Data.DB         |TDataSet              |SetActive          |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FE64|0081DBE1|delfino.exe |0041DBE1|Data.DB         |TDataSet              |Open               |         |
|00000020|04     |0018FE6C|0120000C|delfino.exe |00E0000C|UTIP190D        |                      |apri_query_get_int |3333[6]  |
|00000020|04     |0018FE88|017A8708|delfino.exe |013A8708|Magf001m        |TDM_mag               |DataModuleCreate   |5650[20] |
|00000020|03     |0018FEBC|00502AE7|delfino.exe |00102AE7|System.Classes  |TDataModule           |DoCreate           |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FEE0|00502994|delfino.exe |00102994|System.Classes  |TDataModule           |AfterConstruction  |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FF08|00502972|delfino.exe |00102972|System.Classes  |TDataModule           |Create             |         |
|00000020|03     |0018FF3C|0076A26A|delfino.exe |0036A26A|Vcl.Forms       |TApplication          |CreateForm         |         |
|00000020|04     |0018FF74|0255BE11|delfino.exe |0215BE11|delfino         |                      |Initialization     |824[32]  |
|00000020|03     |0018FF8C|77593388|kernel32.dll|00013388|kernel32        |                      |BaseThreadInitThunk|         |

Modules Information:
|Handle  |Name                                    |Description                                                   |Version           |Size    |Modified           |Path                                                                                                          |
|00400000|delfino.exe                             |                                                              |           |62895616|2015-01-15 15:39:36|Z:\                                                                                                           |
|0B770000|dbexpida40.dll                          |                                                              |           |366080  |2015-01-15 14:27:03|Z:\                                                                                                           |
|10000000|gds32.dll                               |Firebird SQL Server                                           |       |552960  |2012-11-01 11:59:42|Z:\                                                                                                           |
|4DAE0000|midas.dll                               |Embarcadero MIDAS Component Package                           |21.0.17707.5020   |437120  |2015-01-15 14:33:54|Z:\                                                                                                           |
|66510000|davclnt.dll                             |Web DAV Client DLL                                            |6.1.7601.18201    |81920   |2013-07-04 12:51:04|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|66530000|ntlanman.dll                            |Lan Manager Microsoft®                                        |6.1.7601.17514    |69120   |2010-11-21 04:24:00|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|67090000|hhctrl.ocx                              |Controllo Guida HTML Microsoft®                               |6.1.7600.16385    |523776  |2009-07-14 02:14:10|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|67120000|riched20.dll                            |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1                                  |      |473600  |2010-11-21 04:24:28|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|671A0000|security.dll                            |Security Support Provider Interface                           |6.1.7600.16385    |4608    |2009-07-14 02:09:53|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|671B0000|fontsub.dll                             |Font Subsetting DLL                                           |6.1.7601.18177    |70656   |2013-06-06 05:51:29|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|671D0000|oledlg.dll                              |Supporto interfaccia utente OLE                               |6.1.7600.16385    |103424  |2009-07-14 02:16:12|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|68320000|davhlpr.dll                             |DAV Helper DLL                                                |6.1.7600.16385    |19456   |2009-07-14 02:15:08|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|68960000|drprov.dll                              |Provider di rete server Host sessione Desktop remoto Microsoft|6.1.7600.16385    |18944   |2009-07-14 02:15:13|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|6E260000|mapi32.dll                              |MAPI 1.0 estesa per Windows NT                                |1.0.2536.0        |76800   |2010-11-21 04:24:08|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|6EE40000|GdiPlus.dll                             |Microsoft GDI+                                                |6.1.7601.18455    |1625600 |2014-04-26 03:07:55|C:\Windows\winsxs\\        |
|70AA0000|oleacc.dll                              |Active Accessibility Core Component                           |           |233472  |2011-08-27 05:26:27|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|71680000|tiptsf.dll                              |Framework servizi di testo Pannello input penna di Tablet PC  |6.1.7601.18512    |348672  |2014-06-18 02:52:09|C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\                                                     |
|716F0000|shfolder.dll                            |Shell Folder Service                                          |6.1.7600.16385    |7168    |2009-07-14 02:16:14|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|71700000|secur32.dll                             |Security Support Provider Interface                           |6.1.7601.18637    |22016   |2014-11-13 03:14:10|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|717D0000|wkscli.dll                              |Workstation Service Client DLL                                |6.1.7601.17514    |47104   |2010-11-21 04:23:51|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|71800000|netutils.dll                            |Net Win32 API Helpers DLL                                     |6.1.7601.17514    |22528   |2010-11-21 04:24:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|71C50000|wsock32.dll                             |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL                                     |6.1.7600.16385    |15360   |2009-07-14 02:16:20|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|72530000|comctl32.dll                            |Libreria di controlli per le azioni dell'utente               |6.10.7601.17514   |1680896 |2010-11-21 04:23:55|C:\Windows\winsxs\\|
|726E0000|winspool.drv                            |Driver dello spooler di Windows                               |6.1.7601.17514    |320000  |2010-11-21 04:24:08|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|72740000|mpr.dll                                 |DLL del router multiple provider                              |6.1.7600.16385    |64000   |2009-07-14 02:15:41|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|73710000|version.dll                             |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries              |6.1.7600.16385    |21504   |2009-07-14 02:16:17|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|73720000|wtsapi32.dll                            |Windows Remote Desktop Session Host Server SDK APIs           |6.1.7601.17514    |40448   |2010-11-21 04:23:54|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|73BB0000|cscapi.dll                              |Offline Files Win32 API                                       |6.1.7601.17514    |34816   |2010-11-21 04:24:02|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|74080000|winmm.dll                               |DLL API MCI                                                   |6.1.7601.17514    |194048  |2010-11-21 04:24:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|740C0000|dwmapi.dll                              |API di Gestione finestre desktop Microsoft                    |6.1.7600.16385    |67072   |2009-07-14 02:15:13|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|74100000|olepro32.dll                            |                                                              |6.1.7601.17514    |90112   |2010-11-21 04:24:03|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|741C0000|winsta.dll                              |Winstation Library                                            |6.1.7601.18540    |157696  |2014-07-17 02:40:03|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|741F0000|msimg32.dll                             |GDIEXT Client DLL                                             |6.1.7600.16385    |4608    |2009-07-14 02:15:44|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|74E90000|uxtheme.dll                             |Libreria UxTheme di Microsoft                                 |6.1.7600.16385    |245760  |2009-07-14 02:11:24|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|75290000|CRYPTBASE.dll                           |Base cryptographic API DLL                                    |6.1.7600.16385    |36864   |2009-07-14 02:15:07|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|752A0000|sspicli.dll                             |Security Support Provider Interface                           |6.1.7601.18637    |96768   |2014-11-13 03:14:10|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75300000|api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll |ApiSet Stub DLL                                               |6.2.9200.16492    |3072    |2013-04-05 17:18:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75310000|profapi.dll                             |User Profile Basic API                                        |6.1.7600.16385    |31744   |2009-07-14 02:16:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75320000|advapi32.dll                            |API Windows 32 Base avanzato                                  |6.1.7601.18247    |640512  |2013-08-29 02:48:17|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|753C0000|iertutil.dll                            |Run time utility for Internet Explorer                        |11.0.9600.17496   |2277888 |2014-12-11 03:04:05|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75630000|api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll|ApiSet Stub DLL                                               |6.2.9200.16492    |10752   |2013-04-05 17:18:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75640000|KERNELBASE.dll                          |DLL client di Windows NT BASE API                             |6.1.7601.18409    |274944  |2014-03-04 10:16:18|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75690000|nsi.dll                                 |NSI User-mode interface DLL                                   |6.1.7600.16385    |8704    |2009-07-14 02:16:11|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|756B0000|msvcrt.dll                              |Windows NT CRT DLL                                            |7.0.7601.17744    |690688  |2011-12-16 08:52:58|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75780000|rpcrt4.dll                              |Runtime RPC (Remote Procedure Call)                           |6.1.7601.18532    |664064  |2014-07-14 02:40:58|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75870000|usp10.dll                               |Uniscribe Unicode script processor                            |1.626.7601.18454  |626688  |2014-04-25 03:06:17|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75910000|api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll  |ApiSet Stub DLL                                               |6.2.9200.16492    |4096    |2013-04-05 17:18:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75920000|imm32.dll                               |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL                       |6.1.7601.17514    |119808  |2010-11-21 04:24:25|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |
|75980000|imagehlp.dll                            |Windows NT Image Helper                                       |6.1.7601.18288    |159232  |2013-10-19 02:36:59|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|759B0000|lpk.dll                                 |Language Pack                                                 |6.1.7601.18177    |25600   |2013-06-06 05:57:01|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|759C0000|gdi32.dll                               |GDI Client DLL                                                |6.1.7601.18577    |311808  |2014-08-23 02:45:55|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75A50000|wininet.dll                             |Internet Extensions per Win32                                 |11.0.9600.17496   |1888256 |2014-12-11 03:04:07|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75C30000|psapi.dll                               |Process Status Helper                                         |6.1.7600.16385    |6144    |2009-07-14 02:16:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75C40000|shlwapi.dll                             |Libreria leggera di utilità per la shell                      |6.1.7601.17514    |350208  |2010-11-21 04:23:48|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75CF0000|sechost.dll                             |Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs                             |6.1.7600.16385    |92160   |2009-07-14 02:16:13|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75D10000|userenv.dll                             |Userenv                                                       |6.1.7601.17514    |81920   |2010-11-21 04:24:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75D30000|api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll|ApiSet Stub DLL                                               |6.2.9200.16492    |2560    |2013-04-05 17:18:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75D40000|comdlg32.dll                            |DLL delle finestre di dialogo comuni                          |6.1.7601.17514    |485888  |2010-11-21 04:23:48|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75DC0000|clbcatq.dll                             |COM+ Configuration Catalog                                    |2001.12.8530.16385|522240  |2009-07-14 02:15:03|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|75FB0000|ole32.dll                               |Microsoft OLE per Windows                                     |6.1.7601.17514    |1414144 |2010-11-21 04:24:01|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|762B0000|shell32.dll                             |DLL comune della shell di Windows                             |6.1.7601.18517    |12874240|2014-06-25 02:41:30|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|76F00000|ws2_32.dll                              |DLL a 32 bit di Windows Socket 2.0                            |6.1.7601.17514    |206848  |2010-11-21 04:23:55|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|77130000|api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll |ApiSet Stub DLL                                               |6.2.9200.16492    |9728    |2013-04-05 17:18:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|77140000|oleaut32.dll                            |                                                              |6.1.7601.18640    |571904  |2014-11-13 03:01:06|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|773B0000|user32.dll                              |Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL                        |6.1.7601.17514    |833024  |2010-11-21 04:24:20|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|774B0000|msctf.dll                               |MSCTF Server DLL                                              |6.1.7600.16385    |828928  |2009-07-14 02:15:43|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|77580000|kernel32.dll                            |DLL client di Windows NT BASE API                             |6.1.7601.18409    |1114112 |2014-03-04 10:16:17|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|77C10000|normaliz.dll                            |Unicode Normalization DLL                                     |6.1.7600.16385    |2048    |2009-07-14 02:09:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |
|77C40000|ntdll.dll                               |DLL del livello NT                                            |6.1.7601.18247    |1292192 |2013-08-29 02:50:30|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

Processes Information:

Assembler Information:
; Base Address: $88B000, Allocation Base: $400000, Region Size: 30220288
; Data.TDBXContext.Error (Line=0 - Offset=39)
; -------------------------------------------
0088B6BF  8BCE        MOV  ECX, ESI
0088B6C1  B201        MOV  DL, 1
0088B6C3  A154888500  MOV  EAX, [$00858854]      ; Data as ANSI: '<„E'; Data as UNICODE: '?E?E.'
0088B6C8  E84397FFFF  CALL -$68BD                ; ($00884E10) Data.TDBXError.Create
0088B6CD  8BF0        MOV  ESI, EAX
0088B6CF  8B4328      MOV  EAX, [EBX+$28]
0088B6D2  85C0        TEST EAX, EAX
0088B6D4  7411        JZ   +$11                  ; ($0088B6E7) Data.TDBXContext.Error (Line=0)
0088B6D6  6683780A00  CMP  WORD PTR [EAX+$0A], 0
0088B6DB  740A        JZ   +$0A                  ; ($0088B6E7) Data.TDBXContext.Error (Line=0)
0088B6DD  8BD8        MOV  EBX, EAX
0088B6DF  8BD6        MOV  EDX, ESI
0088B6E1  8B430C      MOV  EAX, [EBX+$0C]
0088B6E4  FF5308      CALL DWORD PTR [EBX+8]
0088B6E7  8BC6        MOV  EAX, ESI
; Line=0 - Offset=81
; ------------------
0088B6E9  E8C2FBB7FF  CALL -$48043E              ; ($0040B2B0) System._RaiseExcept  ; <-- EXCEPTION
0088B6EE  33C0        XOR  EAX, EAX
0088B6F0  5A          POP  EDX
0088B6F1  59          POP  ECX
0088B6F2  59          POP  ECX
0088B6F3  648910      MOV  FS:[EAX], EDX
0088B6F6  680BB78800  PUSH $88B70B               ; ($0088B70B) Data.TDBXContext.Error (Line=0) Data as ANSI: '^[Y]Ãx,'; Data as UNICODE: '????????,???????...'
0088B6FB  8D45FC      LEA  EAX, [EBP-4]
0088B6FE  E82D05B8FF  CALL -$47FAD3              ; ($0040BC30) System._UStrClr

EAX: 0018FBCC   EDI: 00000001
EBX: 00000000   ESI: 0EEDFADE
ECX: 00000007   EBP: 0018FC1C
EDX: 00000000   ESP: 0018FBCC
EIP: 7564C42D   FLG: 00000206
EXP: 0088B6E9   STK: 0018FBCC

Stack:               Memory Dump:
------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0B38C774: 0B5501E8   0088B6E9: E8 C2 FB B7 FF 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 0B B7  .....3.ZYYd..h..
0B38C770: 00458A90   0088B6F9: 88 00 8D 45 FC E8 2D 05 B8 FF C3 E9 03 FA B7 FF  ...E..-.........
0B38C76C: 0018FC14   0088B709: EB F0 5E 5B 59 5D C3 83 78 2C 00 74 15 8B 48 2C  ..^[Y]..x,.t..H,
0B38C768: 0B5501E8   0088B719: 83 79 2C 00 74 09 85 50 18 74 04 B0 01 EB 05 33  .y,.t..P.t.....3
0B38C764: 0018FC74   0088B729: C0 C3 33 C0 C3 8B C0 55 8B EC 53 33 C0 55 68 52  ..3....U..S3.UhR
0B38C760: 0018FC8C   0088B739: B7 88 00 64 FF 30 64 89 20 B3 01 33 C0 5A 59 59  ...d.0d. ..3.ZYY
0B38C75C: 098DC940   0088B749: 64 89 10 68 59 B7 88 00 C3 E9 B5 F9 B7 FF EB F8  d..hY...........
0B38C758: 0B5501E8   0088B759: 8B C3 5B 5D C3 8B C0 83 78 2C 00 74 15 8B 48 2C  ..[]....x,.t..H,
0B38C754: 09935318   0088B769: 83 79 2C 00 74 09 3B 50 1C 7C 04 B0 01 EB 05 33  .y,.t.;P.|.....3
0B38C750: 0B5501E8   0088B779: C0 C3 33 C0 C3 8B C0 89 50 24 C3 55 8B EC 8B 55  ..3.....P$.U...U
0B38C74C: 0088B6EE   0088B789: 08 89 50 08 8B 55 0C 89 50 0C 66 83 7D 0A 00 74  ..P..U..P.f.}..t
0B38C748: 00000007   0088B799: 05 89 40 28 EB 05 33 D2 89 50 28 5D C2 08 00 55  ..@(..3..P(]...U
0B38C744: 7564C42D   0088B7A9: 8B EC 8B 55 08 89 50 10 8B 55 0C 89 50 14 66 83  ...U..P..U..P.f.
0B38C740: 00000000   0088B7B9: 7D 0A 00 74 05 89 40 2C EB 05 33 D2 89 50 2C 5D  }..t..@,..3..P,]
0B38C73C: 00000001   0088B7C9: C2 08 00 89 50 18 89 40 2C C3 90 89 50 1C C3 55  ....P..@,...P..U
0B38C738: 0EEDFADE   0088B7D9: 8B EC 83 C4 EC 53 56 57 89 4D EC 8B FA 8B D8 8B  .....SVW.M......

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2015 13:47
by ViktorV
Unfortunately, we could not reproduce the issue. The problem may occur due to that dll is on a network drive. Try to reproduce the problem on a local drive avoiding network drives, and if the problem repeats, please send us a small sample to demonstrate the issue to viktorv*devart*com, including a script to create and fill in the test database object.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Fri 16 Jan 2015 15:35
by drcrck1
yes, the problem is ONLY if dll is on network path. locally it always works very well.

it's very difficult to reproduce, i konw :(
problem is not on all servers. it seems related to windows server 2008 (vista kernel) but not always..... i have a server with 2 shares , with perfect identical files inside: one works, and the second not :(

can be relate/similar to this issue?

maybe dll compialtion need one of this directive? ... 8Delphi%29

can we try new version in beta , before you relese it?

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Mon 19 Jan 2015 11:29
by ViktorV
Yes, you are right. The occurring problem is similar to the one described on Embarcadero QualityCentral. We will add using PE header flags in the next build of dbExpress driver for InterBase and Firebird, that will be released within a week.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Mon 02 Feb 2015 11:32
by drcrck1
it seems could be related to a kaspersky ep 10.2 bug. we havea patch that seems to resolve this issue :)

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Mon 02 Feb 2015 13:08
by ViktorV
Glad to see that the issue was resolved. Feel free to contact us if you have any further questions about dbExpress Driver for InterBase and Firebird.

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Fri 06 Feb 2015 13:23
by drcrck1
we are tring to understand the problem in deep with Kaspersky labs, if a have news, i'll write you :)

when you'll release new dll version ? thanks

Re: runtime error 216

Posted: Thu 19 Feb 2015 09:32
by ViktorV
We have already added the possibility to use PE header flags. This feature will be included to the next dbExpress driver for InterBase and Firebird build, that is planned to be uploaded the next week.