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Conversion to Unicode

Posted: Wed 18 Sep 2013 14:28
by drcrck1
I need help about a conversion to unicode project ( delphi xe , firebird 2.5 );
we decide to use DevArt for speed and large unicode compatibility!

our database are in charset NONE.

we set unicode=true and convert all fields to widestring and widememo and we do some code corrections.
(by the way : nice TWidememo support, much better than embarcadero dbx driver! fantastic)

all work fine! :)

except for accented letters in twidestring ( à è é ò etc) : all of them are now read as a "?". New insert or edit are fine, but old data isn't.

we tried to change charset parameters to other than utf8 o set the locale code but nothing happens.

any suggestion ?

Re: Conversion to Unicode

Posted: Thu 19 Sep 2013 09:54
by AndreyZ

As the collation of your database is NONE, the data in it is stored using one byte per symbol. It means that it cannot be treated as Unicode data, which can have from two to four bytes per symbol. That is why the old data in your database cannot be shown correctly.
To avoid this problem, you can use one of the following ways:
- set the UseUnicode option to False;
- update the old data in your database to make it Unicode-compliant. For more information how to do it, please write to the Firebird support.

Re: Conversion to Unicode

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013 10:32
by drcrck1
so the only solution is datapump :(

thanks :)

Re: Conversion to Unicode

Posted: Mon 23 Sep 2013 12:02
by AndreyZ
If any other questions come up, please contact us.