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stored procs string fields

Posted: Mon 28 Jun 2021 05:37
by kiwisigi
I have a table where some varchar fields are of character type utf and some are ascii.

When I do a stored proc which returns a parameter which is a varchar(5) ASCII (defined as domain for field) half of the characters are 3 of 5 characters are cut off - me suspecting - because the ide creates a widestring field instead of a string field I guess???
If I make the parameter for the returning string a s STRING field the value is correct.

I have version 6 of the data access components (Delphi ria 10.3.1) and cannot upgrade to 7.4 because it asks for delphi to be 10.3.3. (which is difficult to upgrade for me)
Now if I did manage to upgrade would the component 7.4 get the appropriate field for the string parameter e,g, widestring if field is utf8 and string if field is ASCII or none e.g. a one byte character?

Or is my suspicion of why the data gets cut off wrong altogether and there is a different reason. when I make the parameter a string field the returned value is CORRECT which leads to my assumption.

Will this be fixed at some stage or is it fixed already in a newer version etc.


Re: stored procs string fields

Posted: Tue 29 Jun 2021 14:32
by ViktorV
Hi there,

Could you send me a sample project demonstrating the issue? This will allow me to investigate the issue and suggest you the most reasonable solution. Please send it along with the scripts for creating the necessary database objects, using the form on our website What version of database server do you have?

Kindly note that IBDAC is not compatible with RAD Studio Rio 10.3.1. We don't support this version of the IDE anymore.
You can find additional information about IBDAC compatibility on our website:
You may choose to upgrade your IDE to version 10.3.2/10.3.3 or get the version of our components with the sourc code, which would allow you to compile our product for any version of RAD Studio 10.3 Rio.

For information on upgrading the IDE, you may contact Embarcadero Customer support
