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how to pass parameters in the sql statements of the "IBCUPDATESQL" object

Posted: Fri 12 Feb 2021 16:22
by devphs
Hi, in delphi I have the object "IBCUpdateSQL" in which I wrote 3 SQL statements, in the respective sections "DeleteSQL", "InsertSQL" and "ModifySQL". Each SQL statement is of the type: 'delete from table where field =: parameter' or 'insert into table values ​​(code, field1, field2) values ​​(: parameter1,: parameter2 ...). How do I pass parameters for each statement sql via code? With the old "Tupdatesql" component it was possible to pass parameters via the following statement: 'updatesql1.Query [ukdelete] .ParamByName (' parameter '). Value: = value' if I wanted, for example, to assign the parameter to the statement relating to DeleteSQL section.