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Fields after opening dataset readonly, although SetFieldsReadOnly is True

Posted: Fri 11 Sep 2020 13:05
by freim
When using an editable view I can' nt update some fields because they are created as readonly.
(I dont use persistent fields)
Setting Dataset.Options.SetFieldsReadOnly := False has no effect.
As a workaround I change then fields ReadOnly - property in code after opening.

In views I often use field definitions like

Code: Select all

iif( is null, 'F', 'T')
coalesce(u.sec$active, false)
Such fields are readonly after open the query.

It would be very userfull, if such fields would be editable, if Dataset.Options.SetFieldsReadOnly is False.
So far I used IBObjects - there it works as expected.


Frank Reim

Re: Fields after opening dataset readonly, although SetFieldsReadOnly is True

Posted: Mon 21 Sep 2020 09:12
by oleg0k
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to reproduce the issue based on your description. Please send us a sample project demonstrating the incorrect behavior and the script for creating the database objects through the contact form:
Please specify your server (Firebird or InterBase) and its version.
You can learn more about the SetFieldsReadOnly property in the IBDAC documentation: ... adonly.htm

wbr, Oleg
Devart Team