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How to specify in IBConnection I need 32 bit version of engine12

Posted: Fri 17 May 2019 20:25
by AlexanderL
I'm developing a 32 bit application running on 64 bit Windows with 64 bit Firebird 3 server.
I can specify a 32 bit library for IBConnection:
IBConnection.ClientLibrary := 'C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\WOW64\fbclient.dll';
How can I specify a location for 32 bit Engine12?
I'm getting an error message meaning that the Engine12 is of a wrong bit type.

Also another question:
How can I find out what of BLOB the field is? In Firebird there are subtype 0 and 1, but blobtype property for both TBlobFields equals ftblob. I'd think for type 1 it should be ftMemo or one of similar values? Is it a bug or there is some other way to recognize the subtype?

Thanks in advance.

Re: How to specify in IBConnection I need 32 bit version of engine12

Posted: Mon 20 May 2019 11:16
by ViktorV
1. On the client side, you can only set the path to the client library. You can’t configure the path to Engine12 on the client side, please refer to the Firebird documentation or specialized forums for a solution.
2. To solve the issue, you can try to use the TIBCConnection.Options.EnableMemos property: ... ememos.htm.

Re: How to specify in IBConnection I need 32 bit version of engine12

Posted: Mon 20 May 2019 17:00
by AlexanderL
Can you make xnet: as another protocol and not copy it to the server name?
As in Connection.database:= 'xnet://C:\DB\DB.FDB' xnet is a protocol and not a server. ... gs_Fb3.pdf

This would remove some confusion in setting up connection string.
Thanks about EnableMemos property.

Re: How to specify in IBConnection I need 32 bit version of engine12

Posted: Tue 21 May 2019 14:49
by ViktorV
We'll try to release the requested functionality in the next IBDAC build.