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How to Clean Your Room

Posted: Mon 27 Sep 2021 11:44
by sigourneyanderson
Everyone knows how to clean a room, but not everyone knows how to clean quickly and efficiently. Fortunately, it is easier and simpler than it seems! In this cleaning guide, we will show you exactly how to clean your room - the ultimate remodeling that every homeowner needs in the house in an hour or less!

Step 1: Do the Biggest Tasks First

Prioritize the bigger tasks first. If your bed hasn’t been made, tuck in those duvets, rearrange the pillows, and fix your bed sheet! In case your bed sheet hasn’t been changed in a while, remove it and switch it for a fresh one. You will appreciate the fresher scent. Old bed sheets can give you rashes, too.

If you got anything on your bed, don’t worry about them just yet. Put all of them on the floor or the table. You can deal with them later when you get all of the bigger messes sorted out.

Inspect your room and find similarly big tasks to tackle. Your desk is untidy? Clean it up. Old clothes still piled up in a corner of the room? Gather them up and bring them over to the laundry hamper.

Dealing with the biggest tasks first won’t just be more efficient, it will also keep your motivation up, as well. With each one done, your room will look cleaner and that’s going to keep you going.

Step 2: Take Out the Trash

Once you got most of the major tasks in your room squared away, start to clean up. Remove old tissues, empty snack bags, candy wrappers, and other trash from off the floor and other surfaces in the house.

If you have a small trash can in the room, throw them in and use it to carry all the trash out. A small plastic trash can is inexpensive, so if you haven’t had one yet, we highly recommend that you get yourself one.


Step 3: Deal with the Dirty Dishes and Takeout Boxes

If you eat or drink in your room, you may have some dirty dishes, bowls, cutlery, and cups there with you. Take them out and rinse. You should deal with them as quickly as you can as all of the dirty food and stains can become smelly and stink up the room.

The same also goes for any takeout boxes. Throw them away to keep them from stinking up the place.

Step 4: Clear the Surfaces in Your Room

Now we’re getting to the smaller details after we have finished the bigger cleaning tasks.

Start first with all of the surfaces in the room. Check your desk, vanity, bookshelf, and night stands. These are places that we often drop our daily-use items such as car keys, phones, and wallets on. Take a couple of minutes to put them back somewhere you can find them later.

If you haven’t done it yet, you should devise an organization system for all of these items so that you don’t lose them. For jewelry such as watches and necklaces, invest in jewelry boxes. For phones, smartwatches, and other gadgets, there are charging stands that you can buy. These will organize and charge your techs all at the same time. And lastly, for other items like car keys, a small box will do the trick.

If there is anything that you can (or want to) throw away, do so.

Step 5: Clean Your Surfaces

Once all of the clutters have been cleared off, you can now begin to clean them up. First, go over them with a vacuum cleaner to pick up dust, dirt, or debris. You can either use a compact handheld vacuum or a small brush attachment to make the job easier.

After you have dusted, wiping is the next step. Spritz cleaner onto the surfaces and wiep with a microfiber cloth to shine and sanitize. Alternatively, you can use antimicrobial wipes.

Step 6: Vacuum and Mop the Floor

Dealt with all the different surfaces in the room? Time to move on to the floor. Use your vacuum cleaner to sweep up dust and dirt on the ground. If you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, you can use a broom to sweep, instead.

Begin first with your carpeting and rugs, then move onto bare floors (hardwood, tiled, laminated floors, and so on).

Pay close attention to the space underneath the bed and furniture. These are the places that dirt and dust would collect most heavily. You don’t have to do this often, but you should still clean these areas once every couple of months.

If your pets stay in the bedroom with you, there may be a lot of stray hair around. You can use a pet vacuum cleaner to sweep them up (if you don’t have one, check out this best shark vacuum for pet hair review). After you have swept up all the hair, bring the vacuum over to clean the pet bed, too.

Step 7: Fix the Curtains and the Lighting Fixtures

If you have curtains, dust them. Manually, use a duster and make light scrubbing motions. If you have a vacuum cleaner with changeable suction power, then use it to clean the curtains on the lowest power setting available.

The same goes for lighting fixtures such as lampshades, too.

In case you decide to vacuum, make sure that it is always at the lowest power setting available. Any higher and the vacuum is going to damage the material. If the vacuum comes with any tool or accessory that is designed or compatible for use with upholstery and delicate materials, use them.


Step 8: Take Care of the Windows, Glass Surfaces, and Mirror

Windows and mirrors can get smudged or dirty if you don’t clean them regularly.

Use a window cleaner to wipe down the window panes. If your bedroom comes with a glass door or similar surfaces, deal with them using a window cleaning solution, as well. The same also goes with the mirror.

If you don’t have a window cleaner, you can wipe them down using antimicrobial wipes. Then, use a soft cloth to dry them thoroughly.


Can’t find the motivation to begin?

You can try listening to some music while you’re at it. Turn on an energetic playlist and get the adrenaline pumping! You’ll need every ounce of energy in order to breeze through the routine. If you’re one who’s driven by a detailed schedule, mark a certain time on your schedule as “house cleaning”. That will give you the energy to sit up and start scrubbing.

Hope this guide from TheKingLive has been helpful for you. If you wish to read some similar articles, check out the homepage here:

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Posted: Wed 29 Sep 2021 13:18
by alexa
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