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Documenter - How to Pick Which Column Properties to Display?

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2021 23:17
by mraff
I'm using the data documenter for dbForge for MySQL, to try to generate an overview of all the tables in my database. The main thing I want is a listing of tables, and for each column, I want:

Data type

In the documentation generator, when I click on "tables", there's a section called "Groups" with options like:

Virtual Columns
Check Constraints

When I togle the "columns" option, that determines whether the output has a listing of columns.

However, the output gives me these fields:

Key,Name,Data Type,Length,Precision,Scale,Unsigned,Zerofill,Binary,Not Null,Auto Increment,Default,Virtual Description

I don't want all those fields! Especially I don't want Precision, Scale, Unsigned, Zerofill, and Binary. How do I get rid of these? Is there no customization option?

Re: Documenter - How to Pick Which Column Properties to Display?

Posted: Wed 07 Apr 2021 10:28
by Raudar

Thanks for choosing our product.

Kindly note that at the moment we do not have such functionality inside the software however it's in our roadmap for further releases and will be definitely added to the product.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Re: Documenter - How to Pick Which Column Properties to Display?

Posted: Fri 09 Apr 2021 17:59
by mraff
Thanks Victor, glad you have it on your radar. Do you all normally reply to posts like these when such a feature comes out?