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access denied when trying to view dependancies

Posted: Fri 26 Feb 2021 16:44
by docH
Just bought and installed DBforge studio for mysql standard edition, especially so I could use the dependencies feature.

The environment
I am connected to a remote MySQL database held at an ISP over TC/IP on port 3306.
This is a shared service ( ie I do not have root access, nor can I access to it as localhost)
The username for the database has all the permissions that I am allowed to give it
DBforge Studio version 9.0.505
Server type: MariaDB. Server version: 10.3.27

The situation
In the database explorer I can see all my procedures as expected (along with all the other objects).
Clicking on one shows sub tree items 'Depends on' and 'Used by'. Under 'Used by' it appears to show a variable names starting with @
Clicking 'Depends on' displays 'loading' for a few seconds and then shows a list of other procs and funcs that this proc depends on. This is as expected.

The problem
However, clicking on 'Used by' , or using the small triangle to expand it, gives me an error message
'Select command denied to user 'myusername@myIpaddress' for table 'proc'
and I cannot see any of the procs or funcs that use the selected procedure.

The same thing happens trying to see 'Used by' for procs, funcs or views

This rather defeats the purpose of paying $149.99
Can anyone help with this?