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Dataexport for testing data

Posted: Mon 05 Oct 2020 09:32
by GuidoL1982
Hi guys,

i`m looking for a solution to export a part of the production database to my testdatabase.
I see dbForge Studio have a "Export Data" dialog. So far so good, but i don`t see any possibility to restrict the export data per table.

Example: Only need spezial articles (ID: 10, 100, 1000 ect.), only need depended data for this spezial articles.
This are just simple examples. Reality is of corse more complex.

Is there any way or walkaround to export data for multi tables (in my case 300) and restrict data per table?

Currently i using:
dbForge Studio 2020 for MySql
Standard Edition
Version 9.0.391


Re: Dataexport for testing data

Posted: Thu 08 Oct 2020 07:58
by alexa
To export data from multiple tables, you could use the Backup feature having selected the 'Data' option only on the 'Backup content' page of the wizard

Also, you could use the Data Compare feature selecting an empty database in the Target with the same structure and generate a sync script