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Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Tue 26 Jun 2018 14:39
by pasavino

This query has no errors, but I can not save the view because it continuously tells me that there is an syntax error.
This happens even in version 8, if I try my query in a new tab it works without problems

Can you verify the error for the next updates?

Code: Select all

  sucursales.idsucursal AS idsucursal,
  sucursales_mails_templates.idtemplate AS idtemplate,
  sucursales_mails_templates.tipo AS tipo,
  sucursales_mails_templates.diaenvio AS diaenvio
FROM sucursales
  INNER JOIN sucursales_mails_templates
    ON sucursales.idsucursal = sucursales_mails_templates.idsucursal
  WHERE DAY(CURDATE())=sucursales_mails_templates.diaenvio;

Re: Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Wed 27 Jun 2018 10:56
by alexa
Could you please provide us the version of the MySQL server and the CREATE definition of the view?

You can send a reply straight to our support system at alexaATdevartDOTcom and supportATdevartDOTcom .

Re: Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Thu 05 Jul 2018 02:06
by pasavino
MySql version 5.5.46-0+deb7u1

View ( The view was modified, but the error continues )

Code: Select all

DEFINER = 'myuser'@'%'
VIEW rocknlearn.vs_control_crones
  `sucursales_mails_templates`.`idsucursal` AS `idsucursal`,
  `sucursales_mails_templates`.`idtemplate` AS `idtemplate`,
  `sucursales_mails_templates`.`tipo` AS `tipo`,
  `sucursales`.`nombre` AS `sede`
FROM (`sucursales_mails_templates`
  JOIN `sucursales`
    ON ((`sucursales_mails_templates`.`idsucursal` = `sucursales`.`idsucursal`)))
WHERE ((`sucursales_mails_templates`.`activo` = 1)
AND (`sucursales_mails_templates`.`diaenvio` = DAYOFMONTH(CURDATE())));

Re: Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Fri 06 Jul 2018 08:28
by alexa
Thank you for the reply.

Could you please also provide us a screenshot of the error?

Re: Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Mon 16 Jul 2018 02:16
by pasavino
Errors continue, the query in a new tab works, but when I want to save the view it gives error

I can not attach the image.

this query is fine, has no errors

Code: Select all

  cinta_llenado.codbarras AS codbarras,
  cinta_llenado.numlote AS numlote,
  stock.nombre AS nombre,
  cinta_llenado.fecha AS fecha,
  COUNT(cinta_llenado.codbarras) AS cnt
FROM cinta_llenado
  INNER JOIN stock
    ON cinta_llenado.codbarras = stock.codbarras
GROUP BY cinta_llenado.codbarras,
ORDER BY cinta_llenado.fecha DESC

Re: Continuously syntax error when editing views

Posted: Wed 18 Jul 2018 09:47
by alexa
Thank you for the reply.

Could you please perform the following:
1. Select 'Tools -> Options...' from the main menu. The 'Options' window opens.
2. Navigate to the 'Environment -> Output' branch.
3. Select the 'Write queries sent by the program to the SQL Log' and 'Log application errors' options.
4. Unselect the 'Delete application log after closing' option. Click 'OK'.
5. Reproduce the issue and send us the *.log file with the latest date from the directory:

Code: Select all

%SystemDrive%\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Devart\dbForge Studio for MySQL\