Project management.

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding database management and administration tools for MySQL
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Project management.

Post by GerholdtSchnaps » Mon 14 Jan 2008 20:35

Is it possible to make links to databse objects floating?

I mean...

* link to
* link to
* link to
* link to
* link to
* link to
* link to


Devart Team
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Joined: Fri 29 Oct 2004 09:25

Post by Duke » Tue 15 Jan 2008 07:43

We are experiencing the lack of feedback concerning database project management feature. Would you mind answering following questions?
1. Why do you need "floating" objects in the project? I mean we need to know your "use case" of this feature.
2. Could you please describe in a few word the tasks you are trying to solve with database project? We are working over the new version of the product which will include extended database projects (multiple configurations, refactoring, "build" feature). So we'd like to know the needs of our users.

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Location: Moscow, Russia

Post by GerholdtSchnaps » Wed 23 Jan 2008 12:29

Well... huh... i'll try to write unrerstandable... prepare ))

Q. Why do i need "floating" objects in the project?
A. In current implementation of the project manager i can't group files (like DDLs or others) and links to database objects in some project folder. For example, the user administrating feature for my database contains: 3 tables, 5 SP and 1 .doc file. It would be really comfortably to work with it if tables and SP in this project folder (let it be "AdminTools") will be the links to database tables and SP. DblClick on link opens the SP or table (or query and etc) editor. Of course i can use DDLs for "fast edit" database objects, but... it is bad idea, it is really bad idea. So, it's about "floating" links.

Q. Could you please describe in a few word the tasks you are trying to solve with database project?
A. Database developing. As the Project Manager I expecting to see a powerfull tool, that can provide me with flexible tree-like structure and lots of functions for files/DBobjects manage. It is in few words.

P.S. Is it comfortable for you if Russian users will write in russian language in these forums? If it is, i sure the feedback will be more fruitful.

Devart Team
Posts: 476
Joined: Fri 29 Oct 2004 09:25

Post by Duke » Tue 05 Feb 2008 10:15

We have added "floating links" to our feature list for the next version.

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