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Configuration; They way I work with Oracle

Posted: Tue 23 Aug 2011 07:16
by DanielLanz
I always work whithin a schema. [1 Schema = 1 Project] I do develop different Projects for different customers in one oracle-instance. So I no not want to connect via a SYSDBA-login.
Therefore I need a possibility to disconnect.
I need multiple (different) connections
I need to know on which DBA-views need a "garnt select" for a fully functional Database explorer
I do not want the schema prefix in none of the SQL presentations
Please help me, to configure dbForge to achive this.

Posted: Tue 23 Aug 2011 09:10
by Alexz
To work comfortably with different schemas and connections in your case, you should switch off the "Show All Objects" option in the connection properties dialog. In this case for every connection that you have (for different customers) you will see only the objects from their schema in the Database Explorer.
By the way, if you switch off the "Show All Objects" option for a connection, Database Explorer won't try to access to DBA-views. So if you have any problems with this, feel free to contact us.

As for generating schema prefix, you can use the "Generate Schema Script" command from the context menu in the Database Explorer or from the Database (main menu), and switch off the "Prefix object names with a schema name" option on the "Script generation options" page (in the "General" category). Such option also exists in Schema Export and Project wizards.