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MySqlConnectionStringBuilder breaks License Key

Posted: Mon 08 Feb 2021 21:42
by SquishyZA
The license key I have contains '\n'. When I build a connection string using MySqlConnectionStringBuilder it creates a string that looks like "\"random\nmorerandon\"". The quoted escape characters then prevent the license from being validated. I have to manually append a "License Key=...." to get a workable connection string if I use MySqlConnectionStringBuilder and not set the license key through the builder.

As an added bonus some methods in other libraries will escape the '\n' to "\\n" and that breaks the license key checking too. This I can work around too.

So maybe the license key verifier is a bit too sensitive to escaping/quoting ? Or MySqlConnectionStringBuilder should be more aware of not breaking license key validation?

Re: MySqlConnectionStringBuilder breaks License Key

Posted: Wed 10 Feb 2021 23:03
by Shalex
Please submit your request via contact form and specify email used to purchase dotConnect for MySQL. We will check your license key and investigate the question.