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Upgraded to mysql 8.0 - table now fails to update thorugh entity framework

Posted: Wed 20 Jun 2018 20:03
by KW
I have a column named Grouping in one of my entities which works correctly using mysql 5.7

I have updated mysql 8.0, so now when I use entity framework to save changes to this entity it throws a syntax exception.

Grouping is now a keyword, so my column needs to be quoted - is this something that I can force entityframework to do or can you update entity developer to use ` ` around the grouping column?


Re: Upgraded to mysql 8.0 - table now fails to update thorugh entity framework

Posted: Mon 25 Jun 2018 18:25
by Shalex
Thank you for your report. We will notify you when MySQL v8.0 keywords are supported.

Re: Upgraded to mysql 8.0 - table now fails to update thorugh entity framework

Posted: Fri 20 Jul 2018 11:38
by Shalex
MySQL 8.0 is supported: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=37477.