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What happens if the trial period expires

Posted: Wed 05 Apr 2006 16:54
by albertindian2000
Hi Guys,

I want to know this befor eusing the component. I have just downloaded the component. I haven't yet purchased. I am not having that much with me. what happens after the trail period expires.

will the component fails to connect to mysql server. Or will it work with degraded performance.

Friends, Please provide me answers so that i can decide whether to use Microsoft ODBC(slow but free) or the native .net component(Fast but at price)

Friends please help me.

Thank you

Posted: Thu 06 Apr 2006 06:08
by Alexey
If trial period expires you won't be able to connect to mysql server at all.

Posted: Thu 06 Apr 2006 11:16
by albertindian2000
Thanks friend, Thanks for saving me.

Actually I am creating a blog engine which will be open to all. It is in dot net and backend is mysql. Since blogs site are of high traffic and high in data, I want something which can connect faster. But here it is priced. I think i must stick into ODBC for some time then I may buy.

Thanks friends
