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dotConnect for MySQL 7.0 is released!

Posted: Wed 23 May 2012 08:03
by Devart
Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of the new version of dotConnect for MySQL, enhanced database connectivity solution, built over the ADO.NET architecture, that supports Entity Framework and LinqConnect ORM solutions. New dotConnect for MySQL offers you redesigned and greatly improved LinqConnect and bettered Entity Developer.


This version marks a new milestone in LinqConnect development. Renewed LinqConnect demonstrates a new degree of performance and stability. Now it can be used in most complicated use cases and supports submit of very complex object graphs.

Starting from this version, LinqConnect uses only its own classes. It does not reference the System.Data.Linq assembly any more, and this assembly is not loaded with your applications, using LinqConnect. However you don't need to worry about LINQ to SQL compatibility. Public interface of our classes is completely compatible with the public interface of Microsoft LINQ to SQL classes. Moreover, we provide the Upgrade Wizard for easy upgrading of your LinqConnect projects to the new version of LinqConnect in a few clicks.

In this version we have also optimized LinqConnect performance. We have improved its cache, increased Submit performance, materialization performance, improved stored procedure mapping. For more details on these improvements see our blog article.

Entity Developer

Entity Developer offers a number of usability improvements. For example, a shape color can be changed by selecting Shape -> Color from the shape shortcut menu. Expand All and Collapse All menu commands in the Diagram submenu of the shortcut menu allow you to quickly expand/collapse diagram shapes.

Cut/copy/paste functionality behaviour was changed. Now when you paste copied entities to a diagram where they are not present, the existing entities are added to the diagram, new entities are not created. When you cut entities, they are cut from the diagram, not from the whole model.

Diagrams now support notes and stamps. You can use notes to add text comments to your diagrams and even to create hyperlinks to external files. Diagram stamp allows you to specify the following information about diagram: diagram author, company, version, copyrights, project name, date.

Here is the complete list of dotConnect for MySQL 7.0.6 features:
  • The behaviour is changed: the access modifier of the connectionString field of web provider classes is changed from private to protected
LinqConnect (formerly known as LINQ to MySQL)
  • References to System.Data.Linq are removed; now LinqConnect uses only its own classes
  • Upgrade wizard for upgrading projects to the new version of LinqConnect automatically is added
  • The possibility to choose cache mode (classic mode for cases when DataContext is used as a unit of work, and self-cleaning mode for cases when DataContext is a long-lived object) is added
  • The possibility to map stored procedure out parameters of the CURSOR type to IEnumerable parameters of the corresponding methods is added
  • Tracking of complex object graphs with chains of parent-child objects is optimized
  • Number of database calls required for managing objects with a many-to-many association is reduced
  • Delete rule performance is improved
  • Compilation performance is improved
  • Materialization performance is improved
  • Compiled query cache is improved
Entity Developer
  • The precision facet for DateTime and Time properties is supported
  • The sticker notes for adding comments to diagrams are implemented
  • The possibility to add a stamp, specifying diagram author, company, version, copyrights, project name, and date, to a diagram is implemented
  • New Collapse All and Expand All menu commands for collapsing and expanding diagram shapes are added
  • The behaviour is changed: context menu commands for working with diagram are grouped to the Diagram submenu of the context menu
  • The behaviour is changed: the possibility to change diagram shape color via the corresponding Shape -> Color context menu command is added
  • The behaviour is changed: when pasting a copied entity to a new diagram, a new entity is not created, the existing entity is added to this diagram
  • The behaviour is changed: when cutting an entity from the diagram, the entity is not cut from the model, only from the diagram
  • The behaviour is changed: "Update Model From Database" wizard places newly added properties to the base abstract class now instead of putting them into child classes where the mapping is (Entity Framework models)
  • The behaviour is changed: the CSDL property is left unchanged when the corresponding SSDL property is regenerated (Entity Framework models)
  • The behaviour is changed: the association names are generated basing on the database FK names when using Database First approach (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with reading one-to-many associations from the *.edmx file is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with "DevartEntityDeploy" task when only .NET Framework 4 is installed is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with closing connection in the generated method of the context is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with generating code using DbContext template, when template's Fluent Mapping property is set to True and one of the navigation properties of an association is turned off, is fixed (Entity Framework models)
  • The bug with incorrect saving of method's extended properties is fixed (LinqConnect models)
Entity Framework support
  • Entity Framework 5.0 Release Candidate is supported
  • The support of fractional seconds for TIME, DATETIME and TIMESTAMP in Entity Data Model Wizard/Generate Database Wizard and Code-First CreateDatabase functionality is added
Devart development team