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DBTools 3.0.1 not working with Visual Studio Beta 2...

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2005 12:24
by StuFF
Hi... I just ran into a weird bug... Installed 3.0.1 pro for .NET 2, then when starting VS had a msg saying the Add-In was not working, and then I could not use anymore the arrow keys (and Home, End) in the Editor... Weird weird weird... So I reinstalled unckecking the "IDE Tools", and it is working.

Posted: Wed 03 Aug 2005 14:32
by Serious
We will fix this in the nearest future.
To avoid this problem with current version you have to add the folowing information to your registry after installing MySQLDirect .NET (before first launch of VS 2005).

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Assembly"="CoreLab.MySql.Addin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701"

"Assembly"="CoreLab.MySql.Addin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701"
"CodeBase"="file:///D:\Program Files\CoreLab\MySQLDirect.NET2\CoreLab.MySql.Addin.dll"