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Error with Build 4.70.31, EDM, and VS 2008 SP1

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008 04:50
by pleb
I have installed VS 2008 SP1 (not beta) and now have a problem with the EDM designer. I wonder if anyone knows away around it?

The MsSQL driver works, so I've narrowed it down to the 4.70.31 Devart driver. I probably guess MS made a breaking change between beta and release.

To reproduce try to update and existing EDM or create a new EDM. The error should be thrown in the reverse engineering database wizard section.

The error I get is
An error occured while connecting to the database. The database might be unavailable. An exception of type 'System.Data.EntityCommandComplilationException' occurred. The error message is: 'An error occurred while preparing the command definition. See the inner exception for details. The inner exception caught was of type 'System.MethodAccessException', with this error message: 'System.Data.Common.CommandTrees.Db.CommandTree.Validate()'.'.

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008 05:45
by pleb
Ok I've found the problem... ... anges.aspx

Any chance someone from Devart could post a when the next build supporting sp1 will be out?

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008 06:01
by AndreyR
New, compatible with the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 RTM builds will be available in several days.

Posted: Wed 13 Aug 2008 06:14
by pleb
Once again Andrey thanks for the update. You guys ROCK!

Posted: Thu 14 Aug 2008 06:26
by AndreyR
Please note that current build (4.80) still does not support VS2008 SP1 RTM. The build with its support is coming soon.

MethodAccessException in 4.80.32

Posted: Thu 14 Aug 2008 18:29
by adambsn
I just downloaded the 4.80.32 trial in hopes of correcting this exception, but I am still getting it. I can connect to my DB in server explorer, etc., but when I try to create an entity model from the db, I get the System.MethodAccessException described in this thread.

I am using the recently release VStudio 2008 SP1. I see the prior note in this forum saying SP1 support is "coming soon." Can you be any more specific? I am working on a proof-of-concept for a client that must be completed within a matter of days.

Please advise ASAP. Entity Framework support is my primary reason for considering this driver. If my proof-of-concept works out, client is almost certain to purchase this driver.

Posted: Fri 15 Aug 2008 06:07
by pleb
Hi adambsn,

The EDM drive support is in beta. You probably shouldn't be using it production. Though I too have broken this rule! :lol:

From previous experience I'd say they'll release the updated drive in around a week or two.

Probably your only choice would be to roll back to vs 2008 sp1-beta. I mean if this is very important, then the roll back is the way to go. Ah the joy of VS and it's very quick install process :roll:


Posted: Fri 15 Aug 2008 16:20
by reskite
Is there any way to get access to the beta version to do some evaluation with EDM? I'm on my, well, about fourth "proof-of-concept" code-base for a project that's way behind. (I get the above error message as well. VS2008 SP1)


Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2008 08:52
by Shalex
MyDirect .NET version 4.85 is released. It supports Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1.
You can download it from

More about new release:

Posted: Thu 21 Aug 2008 23:20
by pleb
Thanks Shalex, though your PR people beat your too it. I got an email yesterday saying it was available...

Anyway thank you as it seems to be working very well. :)