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MySqlDataSet Wizard Error

Posted: Tue 24 Jun 2008 20:17
by mikewheat

When I add a MySqlDataSet to the form, I continue through the wizard. When the wizard completes, I get the following error. This error keeps popping up as my designer form gets focus or loses focus.

Access to the registry key.
'HKLM\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Packages\{074D6159-E0E8-46d6-8ACE-E7D3152BF733}' is denied.

Must I run as Administrator?

Thank you,

Posted: Wed 25 Jun 2008 08:24
by anton.connect
Yes, you are right, you must have an administrator privileges, to do it.
Log in as administrator and try it again.
If the problem remains, be sure that you have this section in registry.
If it doesn't help, please, let me know.

Posted: Wed 25 Jun 2008 18:33
by mikewheat
Hi anton,

I have the key in the registry.

I am using VS2008.

I cannot even view the form designer that previously had a MySqlDataSet dropped on it without the Registry error popping up. I have administrative rights on my computer also.

I have to run as administrator every time I open Visual Studio 2008?

Is there a way to make my login treat me as if I am the administrator?

Thank you,

Posted: Thu 26 Jun 2008 10:16
by Alexey.mdr

Do you get the error regardless of the system account?
Is everything correct when you are logged in as administrator?
You can set administrative privileges for your Windows account in Control Panel -> User Accounts.
