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The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference

Posted: Sat 01 Dec 2007 22:47
by cwest
I just purchased v of mysql direct. Now when I try to deploy my project, I've getting the error:

Could not load file or assembly 'CoreLab.MySql, Version ...
The located manifest definition dows not match the assembly reference.

What's odd is that I check the dll version in the deployed app and it's There are no corelab assemblies in the GAC.

My Previous builds were using the 30 day trial. I've uninstalled the trial version, and in my project I reference the dlls provided with the new full corelabs installation. What am I doing wrong?

Posted: Mon 03 Dec 2007 12:57
by Serious
Check your application config file and also make sure that there are no policy files in the GAC.

Posted: Mon 10 Dec 2007 14:19
by cwest
I uninstalled all of the policy files for corelbs in the GAC. My app.config contains only a connection string.

I just tried re-building after removing the poilicy files and deleting the bin directrories entirely. I'm still getting the same thing. My build output shows the following:

Consider app.config remapping of assembly "CoreLab.MySql, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=09af7300eec23701" from Version "" [] to Version "" [C:\data\VSProjects\cm\DAL\bin\Release\CoreLab.MySql.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Microsoft.Common.targets : warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly.

I don't know how to do the re-mapping, but why should I have to? I've completely un-installed the trial version and searched my entire computer for any references to . I have no idea where this is coming from. I've deleted and re-added the references to the corelabs dlls and triple checked the versions numbers on them too.

What's next?

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007 12:59
by Serious
Looks like dependent assemblies in your project reference different versions of MyDirect .NET. Check if your application references the same CoreLab.MySql assembly version as LLBLv.

Which llbl references are you refering to?

Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007 15:25
by cwest
The code generated by LLBL is using Corelab.Mysql v. & v. - the same as my application references.


Posted: Tue 11 Dec 2007 16:32
by Serious
Check if this blog post will help you.

Posted: Thu 13 Dec 2007 09:47
by Serious
It is possible to re-bind assemblies with following lines in the App.settings file:

Code: Select all

Add following lines to your App.config file:
