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Losing useunicode setting when deploying application

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2011 14:57
by TreyThrasher
I have recently upgraded from Delphi 2007 to Delphi XE. After upgrading, I had a problem with all of my fields being cast as WideStrings rather than Strings (a unicode problem). I corrected that problem by setting the useunicode setting to false. My application is working in the ide and on my workstation. When I attempt to deploy it, however, the users are getting error messages such as:

Type mismatch for field 'description', expecting: String actual: WideString

It seems to me that either the useunicode setting is being lost or I need to do something in addition to set the useunicode setting on other workstations.

I am using Devart MySQL Direct (latest version).

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2011 15:07
by TreyThrasher
One more piece of information. I have found that my application is running properly on computers running Windows 7 64-bit and Windows XP but not Windows 7 32 bit (only the win7 32 bit computers are demonstrating the problem that I described).

never mind

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2011 19:45
by TreyThrasher
I found the problem. The dll was not copied into the application's directory.

never mind

Posted: Fri 02 Sep 2011 20:37
by TreyThrasher
I found the problem. The dll was not copied into the application's directory.