Problems with saving a BCD with more than 4 decimal places using TClientdatasets

Discussion of open issues, suggestions and bugs regarding usage of dbExpress drivers for SQL Server in Delphi and C++Builder
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Problems with saving a BCD with more than 4 decimal places using TClientdatasets

Post by Guest » Thu 17 Mar 2005 12:28


I'm currently using the dbExpress driver for MS SQL Server 2.00 with Delphi v6.

I'm trying to save a decimal value with more that 4 decimal places to a SQL Server 2000 table.

The field is declared as

Unit_Charge DECIMAL 19,10

in the SQL Server 2000 table.

I can seem to successfully get the value of the Unit_Charge into the TClientdataset with more than 4 decimal places by
using aABcd when assigning the value (and using variants to successfully convert from EXTENDED to BCD)

{ This function is used for preserving more than 4 decimal places on a bcd value. This
is needed because using AsCurrency or AsFloat seems to only preserve a maximum of 4... }
function CIL_ExtendedToBCD(ManyDecPlacesNum: Extended): TBcd;
{ Will return a number with up to 123456789.1234567890... }
Result := VarToBCD(VarFmtBCDCreate(ManyDecPlacesNum,19,10));

{ Used for assigning the value to the clientdataset... }
cdsInvDetailUNIT_CHARGE.AsBcd := CIL_ExtendedToBCD(Unit_Charge);
After inspecting this value after a POST this value was still correct on the TClientDataSet. However after using ApplyUpdates on the TClientDataSet the value is only save as 4 decimal places in the SQL Server table.


47.143433434 (in the Client Dataset TFMTBCDField field prior to ApplyUpdates)

but stored as 47.1434 in the SQL Server 2000 table

Is this a known problem? Are there any work arounds?

Thanks for your help.

Stefan Fiorentini

Posts: 1693
Joined: Thu 28 Oct 2004 13:56

Post by Ikar » Fri 18 Mar 2005 14:33

Thank you for information.
It's known problem and we've already fixed it. Fix will be included in the next DbxSda build. It will be available in about one weeks.

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