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Deprecated Final Support - ftString Parameter mapping to nText

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:36
by BenW

I'm currently using Delphi XE2 with dbexpsda40.dll

I have code that stores the contents of a file in an nvarchar(max) database column using an input param of type ftString.

When the file contains less than 4000 characters the generated query maps the file contents field to nvarchar(x) where x is the size of the chracter count in the file.

But when the file contains > 4000 characters (i.e. the limit for nvarchar(n)) the generated query maps the file contents field to nText.

nText currently raises a "Deprecation Final Support" message in SQL Server Profiler when you have Deprecation events enabled. I expect it should actually map to nvarchar(max) instead.

Has this been fixed in version 6.3.5?


Re: Deprecated Final Support - ftString Parameter mapping to nText

Posted: Wed 02 Apr 2014 10:39
by PavloP
Thank you for the information. We have reproduced this issue. We will investigate the possibility of changing this behaviour in the next dbExpress driver for SQL Server version.

Re: Deprecated Final Support - ftString Parameter mapping to nText

Posted: Thu 15 May 2014 15:21
by Dimon
We have investigated the issue. This behavior is due to OLEDB provider, and not dbExpress driver.
Since OLEDB provider is used in DbxSda by default, then the parameter is mapped to nText. If you use NativeClient provider, the field will be mapped to nvarchar(max).
To use SQL Native Client provider, you should set the TSQLConnection.VendorLib property to 'sqlncli'.