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Refresh Record methods

Posted: Wed 28 Mar 2007 18:23
by memoran
Can anyone make any recommendations on what the best method within ADO.NET and the OraDirect.NET data provider to implement an after insert, after edit and before edit refresh method/event/property as within the ODAC components?

I know that ADO.NET is supposed to be a disconnected model, but within a large user environment application and putting a lot of the computing power within oracle stored procedures, functions and packages, I am losing the ability to refresh the data as the user goes to edit without refilling the entire dataset/datatable again. It just does not make a lot of sense and adds more overhead to have to refresh the entire dataset/datatable. I am stored fuctions within my sql.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.



Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 07:03
by Alexey
Did you see our sample projects? Please check them out.

Posted: Thu 29 Mar 2007 21:47
by memoran

I have. I have also been a user of the ODAC products for over 4 years now. We are migrating from Delphi to .net and we are struggling with as it does not provide a lot of the features that we enjoy today with Delphi and the ODAC components. We want the best of both worlds within the model of having a connected and disconnected model. One for web applications (disconnected model) and one for desktop applications (connected model). Our two main issues that we feel are missing from the connected model are the ability for record locking and the refresh options (Before Edit, After Edit, After Insert) as within the oraquery component for Delphi.

We have been reseaching the web for any other options and found this one ( yet the OraNet components are superior and provide more features that the two that we are missing.

Posted: Fri 30 Mar 2007 07:09
by Alexey
There are DataTable.RowChanged, DataAdapter.RowUpdated and ColumnChanged in OraDirect .NET for similar purposes. For more information please see our documentation.