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Strange errors with OracleLoader

Posted: Thu 20 Jan 2022 13:34
by edwinhane

The OraclelLoader class is giving me some very strange errors. The error message is completely misleading. I believe the problem is somewhere else in the driver while the error reported is wrong.

In my case i have the followng lines of code (cut down version)

//loader.SetValue("GEOIP_CITY_NAME", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.CityName));
loader.SetValue("GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE2", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.CountryCode2));
loader.SetValue("GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.CountryName));
loader.SetValue("GEOIP_LATITUDE", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.Latitude));
loader.SetValue("GEOIP_LOCATION", null);
loader.SetValue("GEOIP_LONGITUDE", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.Longitude));
//loader.SetValue("GEOIP_REAL_REGION_NAME", entry.Geoip.NullSafeGet(a => a.RealRegionName));

If I add back the commented out code, it breaks. If I leave it commented it works.

Error I get

Additional information: ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column

The GEOIP_CITY_NAME is 64 byte varchar2 and GEOIP_REAL_REGION_NAME is 128 byte varchar2. The values I am passing is no more then 20 characters. Please help! There is a definite bug in your code

Re: Strange errors with OracleLoader

Posted: Fri 21 Jan 2022 18:39
by DmitryGm
Thank you for your report, but we don't have enough information to understand what the problem is. We couldn't reproduce such an issue in our environment.

Please send us a full test project with the test data you use in order to reproduce the issue. Did you connect in Direct mode or OCI mode? Also, show us the full description (DDL) for the database table to load data.

It would be nice to know the version of your Oracle server and the version of dotConnect for Oracle you use. Looking forward to your reply.