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EFCore5 with dotConnect Oracle

Posted: Thu 20 May 2021 06:09
by mrsunflower

I have a problem with generating Model Classes with EF Core 5 from existing Oracle DB. It prompts warnings like:

Could not find type mapping for column '<COLUMN NAME>' with data type 'sdo_geometry'. Skipping column.

Command that I use:

Scaffold-DbContext "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=<host>)(PORT=<port>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=<dbname>)));Persist Security Info=True;User Id=<id>;Password=<pass>;License Key=<MY LICENCE KEY>" Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore -OutputDir Models -f

This is weird because from what documentation says
it supports topology types.

Maybe I'm missing some additional flag or parameter? May I ask for some help?

Re: EFCore5 with dotConnect Oracle

Posted: Thu 20 May 2021 15:13
by Shalex
We have reproduced the error with Scaffold-DbContext and are investigating the issue. We will notify you about the result.