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ORA-03137: malformed TTC packet from client rejected

Posted: Fri 11 Dec 2020 16:19
by ralovets

We used to insert multiple rows using class Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleCommand
that called procedure from package:

my_schema.pkg_XXX.sp_insert_row(:p_1, :p_2, :p_3, :p_4, :p_5, :p_6, :p_7, :p_8, :p_9, :p_10, ..., :p_43);

after we moved to Windows Server 2019 without any code changes we started getting these errors:

ORA-03137: malformed TTC packet from client rejected: [kpoal8Check-3]
ORA-03138: Connection terminated due to security policy violation

Oracle Client 12.2.0
Devart 9.13.1098

Oracle support says issue is not on their side

if we insert just 1 row using same setup it works.

Can you help with this please?

Re: ORA-03137: malformed TTC packet from client rejected

Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2020 16:10
by Shalex
1. Please send us a small test project with the corresponding DDL/DML script via our contact form so that we can reproduce the issue in our environment.

2. Specify the version (xx.x) of your Oracle Server.