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Properties string, complex type

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2020 19:44
by DeclanWhitfield
Hi everybody,

I have a question for you. When I define a Complex Type with properties string 1, 2, 3 string and put it in an Entity with an Identity Property and create the model class, the complex type is created as a Class testtc in the Testentity class.
Would it be better if the properties of the complex types were generated as properties in the entity test class? Besides the error that pops up, this is easier to overcome while writing the linq.
Who can tell how to do this thanks for the help.

Re: Properties string, complex type

Posted: Mon 14 Dec 2020 14:12
by Shalex
Please give us the following information via contact form:
1) the exact text of the error you are getting
2) send us a test model and specify the steps we should follow with it for reproducing