dotConnect for Oracle 9.13 is released!

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dotConnect for Oracle 9.13 is released!

Post by Devart » Fri 18 Sep 2020 12:41

Dear users,

Devart is glad to announce the release of dotConnect for Oracle 9.13, Devart ADO.NET data provider for Oracle with support for Entity Framework, Entity Framework Core, LinqConnect (LINQ to Oracle), and NHibernate. The new release offers support for spatial data in Entity Framework Core, support for database-specific functions and full-text search in Entity Framework Core, and monitoring improvements.

Spatial Data Support for EF Core

Support for Spatial data in Entity Framework Core is implemented in the Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.NetTopologySuite.dll assembly, available for Full .NET Framework via the product installer, and for .NET Standard project — as a separate NuGet package.

Entity Developer also supports mapping spatial properties to database columns of corresponding types. When generating a model from a database, having spatial columns, it automatically downloads all the necessary NuGet packages to your projects.

Read more about our spatial data support in the Entity Framework Core Spatials Support in dotConnect ADO.NET Providers blog article.

Full Text Search and Database-specific Functions Support for EF Core

The OracleFunctions and OracleTextFunctions classes, used for calling database-specific functions and full-text search funcions in Entity Framework v4 – v6, are now available for Entity Framework Core.

Monitoring Improvements

dotConnect for Oracle 9.13 allows tweaking monitoring in more details and significantly decrease performance loss from monitoring. Now you can turn off costly call stack sending for all database events via the SendCallStack property of the OracleMonitor class. Additionally, you can specify events that you want to monitor in the Filter property, and other events won’t be monitored.

And a bonus feature – now the OracleMonitor class sends timestamps for database events with milliseconds included.

Here is the complete list of dotConnect for Oracle 9.13.1098 features:
  • The new DescribeStoredProcedure property is added to the OracleConnection class
  • The SendCallStack property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to turn off resource-demanding logging of CallStack
  • The Filter property is added to the Devart.Common.DbMonitor class for possibility to choose events being logged
  • The Devart.Common.DbMonitor class is improved: now values of the DateTime parameters sent to the dbMonitor tool are supplemented with milliseconds
  • The bug with updating projects in folders below the main project by Upgrade Wizard is fixed
  • The bug with detecting daylight saving time settings on a current workstation when reading the TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE values in the Direct mode is fixed
  • The bug with double shifting timezone when retrieving the TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE values in the Direct mode is fixed
Entity Developer
  • The error message in console Entity Developer is improved: now the text includes the list of all available templates if the specified name of template was incorrect
  • The bug with saving a new model, which has never been saved before, after some time of work in a standalone Entity Developer is fixed
  • The bug with generating mapping for the properties with Shadow=True in EF Core Model is fixed
  • The bug with using spatial types inside complex types in EF Core Model is fixed
Entity Framework support
  • Support for spatial data types in EF Core 3 is implemented
  • Entity Framework Core 3.1.8 is supported
  • The new NuGet package Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite with a .NET Standard 2.1 assembly, that is compatible with .NET Core 3, is added
  • The new \Entity\EFCore3\Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore.NetTopolosySuite.dll assembly compiled with EF Core 3.1 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 is added
  • The OracleFunctions class, which allows using Oracle-specific functions in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core
  • The OracleTextFunctions class, which allows using Oracle full-text search functionality in LINQ to Entities, is supported in EF Core
  • The bug with generating invalid SQL when filtering on a boolean property that is assigned with .Any() in EF Core 3.1 is fixed
  • The bug with generating invalid SQL when filtering on a boolean property that is assigned with comparing to Count() in EF Core 3.1 is fixed
Devart development team
