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OraDirect .NET Mobile - Reconnect problem

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005 14:44
by JesperFriis

We have made a product for Pocket Pc, where we are using OraDirect .NET Mobile.

It is working fine, as long as the ip-connection is stable. If the Pocket Pc loose ip-connection or change ip-connection we get the following error message when we make a query with OracleCommand:

the ressourceassembly was not found.

Even if we try to make a new OracleCommand.Connection we get the same error message.

How do we reconnect ?


Kind regards
Jesper Friis
Danish Cattle, Denmark

Posted: Wed 14 Dec 2005 15:55
by Paul
We did not encounter this problem before. Can you reproduce this problem with OraDirect .NET sample projects? Try using the latest version (3.20.6) of OraDirect .NET Mobile for Compact Framework 1. We fixed some problems with establishing connection after loosing IP-connection there.

Posted: Thu 15 Dec 2005 11:55
by JesperFriis

Thank you for your answer. I have tried to reproduce the problem with OraDirect.NET Mobile sample projects. I used the DataReader sample project and reproduced the problem in the following way:

1. Connect to GPRS and establish a ip connection
2. Log on to Oracle database with succes
3. Make a query with sucess
4. Disconnect the GPRS connection and loose ip connection
5. Connect to GPRS and establish a ip connection
6. Log on to Oracle database with succes
7. Make a query with the following result:

The resourceassembly was not found (translated)


Regarding the latest version (3.20.6) I cannot find a version for OraDirect .NET Mobile for Compact Framework 1. The version I can find for download is:

OraDirect .NET Professional 3.20 Beta for .NET Framework 2.0

This version does not seem to be working with Compact framework 1 ?

Kind regards
Jesper Friis
Danish Cattle, Denmark

Posted: Tue 20 Dec 2005 14:54
by JesperFriis

Have you (CoreLab) have had the time to look at the problem ?

It is rather crutial for our solution that we have the opportunity to reconnect to the Oracle Db, and make a new query.

Kind regards
Jesper Friis
Danish Cattle, Denmark

Posted: Fri 23 Dec 2005 13:23
by Paul
We have reproduced the problem and now are working on it.

Related to the text of socket exceptions "ressource assembly was not found"
It looks like application cannot find resource dll with string messages according to the text of socket exceptions. We can see this only with Compact Framework 1 applications on pocket PC with Compact Framework 2. We plan to release OraDirect .NET with Compact Framework 2 support that does not have this error.