EF Generator error: not enough columns returned.

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EF Generator error: not enough columns returned.

Post by jerryk » Thu 19 Apr 2012 22:44

Since the kind folks at Devart are intimately involved with Entity Framework and code generation I was hoping someone could help me get code generation working again.

Everything was fine until I installed Visual Studio 11 Beta. At that point Visual Studio 11 Beta would no generate entities AND Visual Studio 2010 would also not generate entites. I really do not care about Visual Studio 11 Beta so I deinstalled it. However, Visual Studio 2010 is still broken. Here is the scenario with Visual Studio 2010.

- Add ADO.Net Entity Data Model to a project.
- Specify an Oracle DB
- Specify Generate entities from DB
- A list of tables and views appears.
- Select a table and press next.
- Exception is generated. "Unable to generate the model because of the following exception: 'The data reader returned by the store data provider does not have enough columns for the query requested.'

To resolve this I have tried the following:

Deinstalled Visual Studio 11 Beta. No change in behavior
Deinstalled the Visual Studio 2010 EF 4 tools and Reinstalled the Visual Studio 2010 EF 4 tools. No change in behavior.
Deinstall Visual Studio 2010. Reinstall Visual Studio 2010. No change in behavior.

I suspect the generator is still tied to some bits from Visual Studio 11 Beta, but I do not know the details. Can anyone suggest some things to try to fix this issue? I really do not want to reload this development system.



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Post by Shalex » Fri 20 Apr 2012 12:33

1. Please make sure that you are using the 6.80.325 or higher version of dotConnect for Oracle (revision history).
2. Tell us the exact version of your VS 2010 (SP1 ?) and its edition. You can find it in the Help > About menu of Visual Studio.
3. Have you ever installed EF June 2011 CTP? Is it installed currently?
4. Navigate to GAC4 (Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\) and check the properties of the following files:
a) System.Data.Entity.dll - is its File Version 4.0.30319.1 or 4.0.30319.17379 or something different?
b) System.Data.Entity.Design.dll - is its File Version 4.0.30319.1 or 4.0.30319.225 or 4.0.30319.17379 or something different?

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