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materialized view issue for getting data via domain service

Posted: Wed 13 Jul 2011 21:23
by kevinkuo
the model for materialized view was created successfully. And also domain service was create without problem for the model. After drag the model from DataSource in Silverlight project to xaml file, i got the error when app is running to bind model to control in xaml page.

System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Client.DomainOperationException: Load operaton failed for query 'xxx'. Unable to load the specified metadata resource.

If i create another model to map to other physical table, everythng is file. Does everyone have seen above issue?

Posted: Thu 14 Jul 2011 14:03
by AndreyR
Please open the %Project Folder%\.Web\bin\Debug\.Web.dll assembly in any Resource Viewer (JetBrains dotPeek, for example), and verify that the paths to the .ssdl, .csdl, and .msl files are identical to the ones mentioned in web.config of the .Web application.
This error should not be associated with the materialized views.