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DotConnect for EntrepriseDB ?

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2009 07:34
by jp.gouigoux
I was wondering whether a "DotConnect for EntrepriseDB" could be something you are working on ? If there is a chance we see this product one day ? Or maybe simply if there is an option in DotConnect for Oracle or DotConnect for PostGreSQL to adress EntrepriseDB PostGreSQL databases ?

We think it would be a good opportunity, as we see more and more companies / agencies turning from Oracle to PostGreSQL through EntrepriseDB in order to reduce the migration time and effort...

Thanks in advance for your answer,

Posted: Mon 22 Jun 2009 11:09
by Shalex
Please use dotConnect for PostgreSQL with EnterpriseDB. If you encounter any difficulties, feel free to contact us.

If you are interested in the migration of your data from one database to the database of another server type, please take a look at SSIS. Be aware, SSIS works only with data, and it doesn't create constraints.