Мы рады сообщить о выпуске UniDAC 9.1 с поддержкой PostgreSQL 14.
Что нового в этой версии:
- ThePoolId connection pool option is added
- Fixed bug with freezing multiply connection pools in threads
- Fixed bug with leading spaces getting trimmed in strings loaded from XML in VirtualTable
- Fixed bug with using the AsDate property when working with fields of the ftDate type
- Fixed bug with updating the state of records at applying cached updates
- Fixed bug with resetting the specific params
- Fixed bug with LONG parameters in Oracle 11 and earlier
- Fixed bug with UnicodeEnvironment in pooling
- SQLServer data provider
- Fixed bug with setting the port number to the Server property in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with Varchar(max) and Text OUT parameters in Direct mode
- Fixed bug with describing string params in the Direct mode
- MySQL data provider
- Fixed bug with an "Unknown column" error when adding record when RefreshOption = roAfterInsert
- PostgreSQL 14 is supported
- OUT parameters in stored procedures for PostgreSQL 14 are supported
- Fixed bug with Access Violation on RefreshRecord after connection switching
- Fixed bug with application name when connection pooling is used
- Fixed bug with using "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" in batch operations
- Fixed bug with processing large OID values
- The CutOffParams global variable is added
- The WireCompression option for the Connection component is added
- Now, fields of type dtFloat are created for system types INT128, DECFLOAT, and large NUMERIC by default
- Fixed bug with insertion of a string and binary values when UseUnicode set to True
- Fixed bug with an incorrect encoding of table alias names
- Fixed bug with using the AutoDDL property for TUniScript
- Fixed bug with value exceeds the range for valid timestamps when using AsDateTime property
- Fixed bug with Access Violation when DescribeParams is True and using the AsBytes property
- Fixed bug with setting the value of type UInt64 using the Value parameter property
- Fixed bug with inserting a Byte value using the Value parameter property
- Fixed bug with setting the numeric value of the parameter via AsString for TUniStoredProc
- Fixed bug with setting the Connection String
- Fixed bug with memory leak when using the julianday() SQL-function in Direct mode
- Block fetch is supported
- Fetch performance is improved
- FSIZE SQL function is supported
- Autoinc data type for dfVisualFoxPro tables is supported
- Fixed bug with reading logical fields which contains "Y"/"N" values
- Fixed bug with "Invalid field data" when setting a value that exceeds the character field size
- Fixed bug with "Range check error" when the field size is greater than MaxInt
- Fixed bug with "Invalid precision value" for dtMemo fields
- Fixed bug with processing UUID fields